SOLD. Please close

How much for the VLX?

VLX is 500 shipped. Comes with toodles vlx kitty pcb (new never installed and requires no soldering.) VLX was opened and used for just for touching for maybe 15mins. 30mins. tops so pretty much still minty and comes with the bottom lap plate and everything which came with it. All original manual etc.

all PMs replied.

Blazblue Ps3 stick sold. xbox 360 one still available


Tekken stick is now SOLD

VLX sale possibly Pending.

VLX sold but VLX kitty is available for 60shipped.

bump for goodies still available

Still have a plexi TE top?

Yes but only with gutted stick


sorry about that buddy.


Vlx received and in perfect condition.

still have the gutted body?

Also interested in gutted body… welds holding my mount plate gave. Need a shell.

Apologies about the delay. I had a personal matter that needed attending. Replying to all PMs and yes I have 3 gutted te’s left


all PMs replied