I actually got a recent follow-up on Twitter about this - they have a pretty full plate right now and cautioned that it would be fall before they could take a look at this. Fair to say they’re well aware there’s a niche for HitBox players waiting to be filled with GamerFinger off the market for now.
My daily driver HitBox TE still has a full set of all-black GamerFingers and I consider it one of the finest investments of any gear I own. Absolutely love the way they integrated silencing.
Focusattack is back up and their EVO sale is currently ongoing, but I was quite surprised to see that they apparently have the G3 Gamerfinger buttons up for sale as well. Needless to say I’ve already placed my order for some.
edit: Based on the pictures, the new design appears to be both a snap in and a scew in.
The mounting nut looks like just a white version of the OBSN mounting nuts. I wonder if they’re compatible so that you can buy replacement mounting nuts instead of buying another $6 button.
EDIT: I just remembered that Sanwa and Seimitsu (or at least the PS14KN ones) mounting nuts are interchangeable, meaning that if the HBFS-G3 mounting nuts are indeed just palette swaps of the OBSN ones, then the ones from Seimitsu screw ins should also work in theory.
Instead of pushing the button in to the panel from the top and the little tabs keep it in place, you put the button in from the top and the other side you screw a nut into it to keep the button in place. Just like a nut and bolt.
If anyone from FA happens to stop by here, can you tell us if there have there been any other changes/redesigns in addition to the screw in compatibility?
I have some coming to me soon but from what i see most is what has been discussed, tabs for metal panel or god forbid a tab breaks or you are working with a thick panel, you can use the thread for screw in.
He means thick panel, not large holes.
Is the button in properly and doesn’t wobble or feel loose? If so then you don’t need the nut to screw in with these new buttons.
Got my buttons and decided the test if they will work with Sanwa and Seimitsu nuts. It turns out the threads on the Gamerfinger buttons are larger so the nuts actually aren’t interchangeable.