- Dreamcast/DC emulator
- USB Arcade Stick
- Its fun but its not easy to learn
- Online service stopped
- Go to NY for competition
So anyone still playing??
After evo, I got drained from SSF4, also the game sucks so yeah.
I find myself just having more fun playing this than 4.
We’re still playing. Getting ready for high stakes tournament at SB.
Yeah someone told me about that. Unfortunately, I’m poor. But I really wish I could go. I know there’s more to do than just cvs2, but once I get outta school I may consider traveling more.
Keep playing Nick! Teach those fools in Vegas how to play cvs2, us noobs need more players to learn from.
We are trying to squeeze life into cvs2 here in norcal. You can still find people to play in the arcades out here if you go at the right times.
cvS 2 ONLine ON KAILLeRA is THE ReaL FUTUR !!!
If anyone cares to see what we’re up to…
Baltimore, MD MM’s/casuals from last night.
Justin.tv - Xanadu Games: SSF4 Live! - Wednesday Night Ranbats CvS2 action starting around 1:36:00
Justin.tv - Xanadu Games: SSF4 Live! - Wednesday Night Ranbats
CvS2 at SB? Got any details?
Well, I’m running it on Friday. Nothing else has been decided yet, since nobody has responded to my questioning in the thread, and my new thread I posted up in the CvS2 section here on SRK… I’ve sent out a few texts, and gotten a few responses, but nothing to warrant making any real moves.
I want to run a “high stakes” tournament for $25-50 entry. Just get whoever really wants to play involved.
So far I know me, Steve H, Rugal B, Combofiend, Rusteezy and a few others are down.
Hey I wonder if anyone’s been having this happen with their scene.
Say you’re doing a casual night and SF4 and CvS2 are in the same room.
Do you guys end up with more people watching/playing cvs2 than SF4?
Its been happening out here.
CvS2 is always more hype than SF4 here.
It’s awesome when a good game gets more hype than a mediocre one that has like millions of players.
Around here we have about 10 or so players (including Joe Dubbs, Combofiend, Evil Elvis, and Fervor). We’d love to try and get together with the other CvS2 heads in the US. Enough people and we could have a nice Major on our hands…
good to see that ppl are still playing cvs2. I personally think this is one of the two best fighting games from capcom.
Hey so I spent like an hour setting up Kaillera only to find no matches anywhere, does anyone play Cvs2 online?
I would be interested in this. Next spring is the best for me.
I know this is probably a little early, but is there anything planned CvS2 wise for any majors next year? I can only attend a handful of events and I would like to go to one with some serious CvS2 comp.
I spoke with Mr. Warzard (one of the guys that helped run cvs2 side tourny @ evo 2010) We’re thinking of trying for something once evo gets announced as a side tourny. Who knows?