So, I've been trolling ranked lately

Dear god, I hate playing people who know what they’re doing with Akuma. The air fireball owns me.

EDIT: Also, I noticed Akumas rage quit more than any other character. Probably because a lot of them are bad.

More often than not, you miss the grab frame and end up whiffing a fierce…whatever and get thrown yourself. It’s amazing what people do. I would teleport full screen right past them, end up behind them and if they jumped back, I could just mash fierce and it would anti-air them, if they tried to throw me, they’d whiff and get thrown. A lot of people just don’t know his head hitbox is vulnerable. Cr. fierce that fool (unless your fei or someone…haha)

Fei could cl.hp technically.

The Teleport is timed so that Akuma passes through the opponent just as they wake up, so there is no opportunity to punish. By the time Akuma crosses them up, he is in recovery which is completely invincible, so a reversal throw is hard to time. And by the time Akuma has finished his recovery, 13 frames have definitely gone by, so they are throwable. Most characters can just jump away, but Akuma’s close Fierce/Shoryuken can anti air them. It’s not impossible to get out of, but it is pretty difficult to escape or counter.

According to YBH (although HDR’s Gouki is based off ST Shin Gouki and may differ), Gouki has 9 frames recovery on his teleport (either direction and distance). If an opponent exactly times the teleport and throw on the 14th frame, that means you’ve been able to stand up for 13 frames. That may be enough time to clear Gouki’s standing AAs. The last 9 frames of recovery are invincible but that should give you enough opportunity to tick Gouki for free (since he can’t reversal out of teleport).

Also, most characters have a jab that’s 3 frames. These jabs come out on the 4th frame so you should also have a 1-frame window to jab Gouki just as you finish waking up (although reversal throw is probably the easier 1-frame maneuver, esp. because Gouki has as mediocre a throw range as the other shotos).

Now, if the Gouki player is teleporting late enough upon your wakeup, you should be able to jab easier or jump back safely. And if the Gouki player is teleporting early, you’re unthrowable until 13 frames of being fully active so you don’t have to worry about an immediate throw. At least, that’s how the numbers seem to play out (“I made Street Fighter as much fun as doing your taxes!”).


akuma sucks. I beat him with thawk

Haha, this kinda annoys me when I play versus Akuma though, like if they teleport through me and I jab, i’ll jab the opposite direction and they can srk or throw me. XD

Ah, right, if the Gouki player times and positions the teleport perfectly (which sounds very difficult to properly execute), it may be possible that you wakeup up as Gouki is in front of you, you’ve pressed jab as early as possible, and then in 4 frames, he’s already moved behind the jab’s attacking hitbox. And in that case, since a jab’s active and recovery period combined is normally over 9 frames, he can immediately throw you after he recovers.

So I guess unless you’re comfortable with reversals, the only (and completely safe) response to a perfect teleport wakeup setup is to wait a few frames until Gouki is behind you and just tick him at the end of his teleport. Then, you get to play the mixup games on him.

My favorite though…is Sirlin giving him Air hurricane…into juggle ground hurricane.

Brilliant…because he really needed this…lol

Ya, offline it’d be solid, but online with the terrible rollback mechanics in HDR…just not too reliable. Usually if I see a teleport I jump over him unless it’s a good connection. I don’t really run into good Akuma’s who can time a wakeup teleport. I just play scrubs who practice his lock down fireball and like to eat reversal flashkick lol.

For most of the cast I think it ends up being a mix up game since Akuma can teleport early and uppercut, or teleport a little later and look for the throw/block and punish. Throw -> option select (kara SRK) is hard to do, but theoretically pretty gross with him and HDR ken.

st akuma can do this as well?

like every version ever can I think lol. Maybe not the a2 akuma

for fun, i’d like to play in an all akuma side tournament in remix. if about 50 people entered, it would only take like 20 minutes to run.

Akuma can do a lot of things in ST, if you’re too dense to realize I meant why he kept it…


you just said sirlin gave it to him, which would imply that you thought he didn’t have it before.

no need for name calling.

Same shit. Whatever, I’ll take that then.