So Guilty Gear comes out tomorrow

I don’t plan to.

My MAIN focus will be ABA.

Once I feel somewhat decent with her, I’ll move on to bridget.

Although, now that I really dwell on it. I ONLY used Ky in #R and got really good with him…so maybe I’ll just keep going down that approach.

fglhfldhgfhdlg getting into a new fighter is hard. D:


Aye aye. ABA would be a good character to learn. Very strong and solid.

Don’t get knocked down. Heheh.

Picked it up today. No one to play with tho D:

I play Bridget. :bgrin: Rofl. I’m not so sure about being gay for him though.

It’s all so very confusing…

I’m messing around a little bit and looking up stuff on dustloop and all that, but this game is a mindfuck to start learning.

I started playing eddie because I saw some tourney videos and I liked his style.

Starting out with Eddie? Good luck with that. Hah. Helps you get a good grasp on negative edging though.

Just bought it yesterday, still waiting on my stick being over-hauled for the new season though… LOL! See you all at Zach’s soon for some GG action eh?

Bout to leave to get my copy and go to work. :lovin:


Tourney at Zach’s? :smiley:

Let’s think smaller like some GGAC casuals there and if we get enough people to show and say they’d be down, then let’s do a tourney.

I need a copy, dammit!

man after a few minutes in the brawl hall thinking my combo’s were hella dope i remember while trying them out against the cpu that there was air recovery -____- oh well back to the drawing board

I can show you the ways of big damage without the black beat.
who do you play?

he plays venom… venoms main big damage stuff is hard because you need to learn to do f+p, f+hs into the slash charge d,u ball. He has some simpler stuff but thats the real money.

If anyone wants to get beefed up in GG and play casuals at my place this fri-sat, come to PSU tomorrow for our weeklies. We should have a large ass room and plenty of TVs. PSU SMSU 338/339.
Lotta WA is coming down, so I hope that we can get a strong showing to rep PDX.