Skullheart: The Official Skullgirls Forum (it's where everyone actually goes)!

Why isn’t this board more active if SkullHeart is down?

Some people left SRK completely after SH went up. And most of SH was the tumblr/art crowd, which never came here in the first place.

The IRC might be pretty active, though I haven’t been there for a few months. Dunno why.

Honestly, the SH gameplay forums were never this dead, but they weren’t what you’d call a hive of activity either.

So where have all the SkullGirls people go now though?

Actually I’ve been noticing that SRK in general is a lot less populated now compared to say four years ago.

I’ve seen most of the gameplay focused guys posting in the Steam community forum for the game. Art/tumblr guys in the Hub

^^^You’re right. The Steam Community forum is insanely active. It has like almost 3 times as many discussion threads as Metro: Last Light and Dishonored, and almost as much as Red Orchestra 2. Is this the first fighting game in which the PC scene may be the main scene?

It might as well be. PC is the most updated version and it’s dead on consoles.

Possibly, maybe. Thing is a lot of other FGs have heavily favored consoles (Most don’t even come onto PC) but SG is new so I wouldn’t say there’s a definitive scene yet.

As for me, the Skullgirls Oceanic steam group’s chat usually has a few dudes in it so I just hang out there.

That’s changing. Aside from the Capcom games, MK9 and KoFXIII are on PC as well. In KoF’s case it will actually have a chance to build a community as people in the beta reported good things about the PC version netcode.

Sucks for me since my PC can’t run it at 60 fps on lowest settings :frowning:

The new SH update had me excited for a second… Hopefully ‘soon’ isn’t stretched past all reasonable definitions this time.

I’m away for the weekend, so the update won’t happen immediately, but I’ll be opening the site back up as soon as I can get a few very basic modifications done.

I think I speak for all of us (well, at least most.) when I say we appreciate all you do/have done for the community. My cynicism regarding the forum’s downtime isn’t directed at you.

SkullHeart is back, just so you know.

Indeed it is. There are still a bunch of changes that need to be made, but it’s usable.

A bump, so any people who’re new and think people go here know better.

Do people even play this game online still? It’s a ghost town on Xbox. I’m thinking of getting it on PC. if it’s on special during the Summer Sale

Yeah they do, Online isn’t super massively populated, but big enough that you find other people.
Xbox is pretty dead though; PS3 has some users; most people are on PC. (+

Here if you want some comparisons to other FGs:

E: The All-Time Peak is so high compared to the current players due to a Free Weekend where ‘everyone’ had the game. The players didn’t suddenly all drop the game, most of those never ‘played’ it.