Skullgirls Skype-Chat Group

if you accepted my contact request I should have added you to the group already…

oh hey, looks like I was an idiot and never noticed your request. I SHALL REMEDY THIS.

[details=Spoiler][08:06:36 p.m.] Wil Hart: What’s up Skullgirlies?
[08:06:55 p.m.] Boone Snavely: yo
[08:07:06 p.m.] Boone Snavely: my dick
[08:07:09 p.m.] Boone Snavely: is whats up
[08:07:11 p.m.] Wil Hart: hot?
[08:07:15 p.m.] R-Genow: awkward zombies
[08:07:17 p.m.] R-Genow: the muppets
[08:07:20 p.m.] R-Genow: homoeroticsm
[08:07:24 p.m.] Boone Snavely: my dick
[08:07:25 p.m.] R-Genow: there was actual sg talk
[08:07:27 p.m.] R-Genow: like 5 hours ago
[08:07:30 p.m.] R-Genow: but then there was more dicks
[08:07:35 p.m.] Boone Snavely: also cocks
[08:07:36 p.m.] LK: There was
[08:07:40 p.m.] Wil Hart: I know, I was here :smiley:
[08:07:43 p.m.] R-Genow: throbbing meat member
[08:07:44 p.m.] R-Genow: man
[08:07:45 p.m.] R-Genow: sengoku rance
[08:07:50 p.m.] R-Genow: taught me like 50 ways to say dick
[08:07:52 p.m.] Wil Hart: Then I left and I guess it stopped
[08:07:54 p.m.] LK: but there is only phallus now. apparently.
[08:08:01 p.m.] Boone Snavely: MIGHTY DICKERCANE
[08:08:10 p.m.] R-Genow: HYPER WEAPON
[08:08:13 p.m.] Boone Snavely: BEHOLD
[08:08:15 p.m.] Boone Snavely: OPTIC DICK
[08:08:24 p.m.] R-Genow: SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE DICK
[08:08:25 p.m.] R-Genow: wait shit
[08:08:33 p.m.] LK: hahahah
[08:08:36 p.m.] Boone Snavely: GAMMA DICK
[08:08:40 p.m.] R-Genow: Garbage dick
[08:08:41 p.m.] R-Genow: or dick day?
[08:08:49 p.m.] R-Genow: THE DICKS CHIRP I SING
[08:08:54 p.m.] Boone Snavely: ARGUS DICKONY
[08:08:56 p.m.] Boone Snavely: or
[08:09:01 p.m.] Boone Snavely: DICK AGONY
[08:09:03 p.m.] Boone Snavely: …wait
[08:09:05 p.m.] Boone Snavely: ow
[08:09:05 p.m.] R-Genow: TAKE THE DICK, JUJU
[08:09:06 p.m.] LK: All rather fitting for PeaCOCK
[08:09:16 p.m.] R-Genow: GET READY FOR A DICK STOPPER
[08:09:29 p.m.] Boone Snavely: who was it that called Peacock “cablecock” in GD?
[08:09:30 p.m.] R-Genow: Fenrir…diiiiiiiiiick!
[08:09:34 p.m.] Wil Hart: Say Hi to the DICKMAN
[08:09:41 p.m.] Boone Snavely: GREGOR, DICKSON
[08:09:41 p.m.] R-Genow: why are we doing this lol+
[08:09:47 p.m.] Boone Snavely: CUZ DICKS
[08:09:48 p.m.] LK: because it’s silly
[08:09:49 p.m.] Wil Hart: i have no idea
[08:09:59 p.m.] Boone Snavely: DIAMOND DICK
[08:10:00 p.m.] R-Genow: I should post this on the skype thread to show our PRODUCTIVITY
[08:10:14 p.m.] R-Genow: Looks like I found a new dicking post…
[08:10:19 p.m.] LK: faaaaahaha
[08:10:24 p.m.] R-Genow: I’LL TAKE A COCK AT IT
[08:10:27 p.m.] Boone Snavely: you’re not bad, you’re just dicked that way
[08:10:40 p.m.] R-Genow: remember remember, the 5th of dickmember!
[08:10:44 p.m.] Boone Snavely: HEY GUYS
[08:10:45 p.m.] Boone Snavely: GUYS
[08:10:49 p.m.] Boone Snavely: I HAVE THE BEST ONE
[08:10:53 p.m.] Boone Snavely: GET READY FOR IT
[08:10:55 p.m.] LK: oh boyyyy
[08:10:58 p.m.] Boone Snavely: DICKGIRLS
[08:11:02 p.m.] LK: jhnbdsjhrfij
[08:11:10 p.m.] Etebossu: dickgirlsssssss
[08:11:10 p.m.] R-Genow: futaaaaa
[08:11:14 p.m.] Boone Snavely: I WIN THE SKYPES
[08:11:15 p.m.] LK: oh lord
[08:11:15 p.m.] R-Genow: THE SKULL DICK
[08:11:21 p.m.] R-Genow: CAN GRANT ANY WISH
[08:11:24 p.m.] Etebossu: marvel without the dicksss
[08:11:25 p.m.] Boone Snavely: DOUBLE DICK
[08:11:32 p.m.] R-Genow: GET OUT OF MY DICK!
[08:11:37 p.m.] LK: but if you’re impure then you get skullfucked?
[08:11:38 p.m.] Boone Snavely: marvel without the dicks, but still with more?
[08:11:42 p.m.] Etebossu: YES
[08:11:46 p.m.] Wil Hart: lol geno
[08:11:55 p.m.] R-Genow: [08:11 p.m.] R-Genow:

<<< GET OUT OF MY DICK!I’m gonna main painwheel and shout this everytime I do her level 4}3
[08:11:57 p.m.] R-Genow: rfgiopghrtklh
[08:12:01 p.m.] Wil Hart: you like sounding?
[08:12:08 p.m.] R-Genow: let’s see
[08:12:11 p.m.] R-Genow: well
[08:12:19 p.m.] R-Genow: all that’s left is the gradius super being becoming a giant dick
[08:12:24 p.m.] Boone Snavely: no
[08:12:27 p.m.] Boone Snavely: it shoots dicks
[08:12:29 p.m.] LK: gradickus
[08:12:30 p.m.] Boone Snavely: waaaay cooler
[08:12:32 p.m.] R-Genow: a giant dick that shoots dicks?
[08:12:33 p.m.] Etebossu: MUCH BETTER
[08:12:36 p.m.] Etebossu: YES
[08:12:43 p.m.] Boone Snavely: yeah, like a gun that shoots swords
[08:12:50 p.m.] Boone Snavely: wait
[08:12:55 p.m.] LK: hmmm
[08:12:59 p.m.] R-Genow: instead of coconut
[08:13:03 p.m.] R-Genow: she just shouts DICKS
[08:13:05 p.m.] LK: o - o
[08:13:09 p.m.] R-Genow: and shoves a dickpie on your face
[08:13:16 p.m.] Boone Snavely: ^ oh lawdy
[08:13:20 p.m.] LK: WITH WHIPPED CREAM
[08:13:39 p.m.] R-Genow: A GIRL’S BEST DICK!
[08:13:54 p.m.] Boone Snavely: DIAMOND DICKAMO!!!
[08:14:03 p.m.] R-Genow: IT’S THE DICKS! (fuzz)
[08:14:08 p.m.] R-Genow: Your dick won’t be so merciful…
[08:14:20 p.m.] R-Genow: They’ll never serve you, once they see MY DICK!
[08:14:20 p.m.] LK: Your dicks are next!
[08:14:24 p.m.] Boone Snavely: they’ll never follow you, after they see my dick
[08:14:31 p.m.] R-Genow: dickja’d
[08:14:33 p.m.] Etebossu: on a random note, i love flanoirs music in Symphonia
[08:14:34 p.m.] Boone Snavely: HAHA
[08:14:43 p.m.] R-Genow: Tales of Dicks?
[08:14:47 p.m.] Etebossu: SURE
[08:14:59 p.m.] R-Genow: ok I’m posting this definitely when the cockwave settles down
[08:15:03 p.m.] LK: skype chat is beautiful
[08:15:07 p.m.] LK: life is beautiful
[08:15:13 p.m.] Boone Snavely: dicks is beautiful
[08:15:15 p.m.] Etebossu: dicks are beautiful
[08:15:15 p.m.] R-Genow: this was the best idea ever[/details]

We’re being productive I swear (Not an actual representation of the skype chat)

Sure, add me.

zebia_xyziendo (please don’t mention how nonsense the name is)

Sounds fun, I’m game.
skype id: raynerwolf
EDIT: might be Mysterious RaynerX

no, it is

I’m so game after that skype log.

worldjem7. add me.

“Take the dick, Juju” is hilarious =]

K-Ayame (“i noobz skype” i guess it is the name to add me)

not-so-saint (Антон Пятаков)

… Well I guess you can add me now (pyroquinfran)
Ive been itching to cut my crazyness loose…


aer0blue :B!

looks like everybody are asleep right now. I sent you contact request. If you add me I’ll invite you in the group =]


(Yes I am young, but who cares? Hype is hype, and hype i have)


add mee

Skype chat? Fuck that noise.

G+ Hangouts or GTFO.

is it too late to join? i’m shy…


:sad: how do i join