Skullgirls section please?

I’m really looking foward to the game but I don’t think it is needed right now a section maybe a new topic with a FAQ closing the old one 60fps videos on the cover. And when it gets closer to the release date one should be created or lots of useless content will be created, more than 5 pages of color asking.


A new section, yes. But put it down in the Strategy Zone.

I think we’d all agree that palette requests should be exiled out of the main discussion thread. Having a palette discussion thread in the Skullgirls section would be a decent compromise.!


but yes, one on srk would be nice.

I don’t care for the segregation between top o’ the forum Capcom games and strategy zone section. Just put up a list of all fighting game forums by order of popularity. I hate having to scroll down and enter a second section just to get at KoF or MK or 3rd Strike discussion areas. MK being tucked away down there is a particularly egregious bit of SRK bias.

this game is intended for our community. srk def should help support it.

Top of the forums is already getting to crowded. IMO, that treatment should be reserved for Capcom games since the site is called “”

I’m leaning on both sides of the fence. This game has a LOT of momentum and could be well served by a top of the page nod. A community-built game from a person who has been around SRK for a while is worth it.

If not, this game needs its own forum then.

I support this

I agree with the cluttered part but I blame the character subforums being visible there when the little arrow on the side also brings up the character subforums.

It’s going to get worse when the SFxT section gets the character sub-forums.

I would love a SG section, though.

Everytime I see “SG section” my mind thinks “Oooh a section on Suicide Girl pics I agree with this plan”.

I’m in the process starting a new thread anyway, one with a constant wip faq for a first post, but this wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Chibi for SG section mod.

They could just do like how they used to and had you click on a link to get to the character section.

I second this notion…

Is SRK sponsored by Capcom? I don’t ask in the spirit of snarkiness, I sincerely would like an answer on that. If not, this is simply a general fighting game community with particular emphasis on 2D as I see it. Capcom should not get default top billing unless a) it’s decided that this is a Capcom exclusive site, or b) Capcom is paying SRK for the privilege of choice visible real estate on the site.

Well considering the site is called

SRK has always been Street Fighter and Marvel centric. We were never really a 2d fighter centric site. The fact that SFIV, MvC3 remain top billed should be proof of that.