You’re out of your mind, Skullgirls would look and feel entirely different in the 90’s not to mention the gameplay only exists because Mike Z played the old games at the time.
Was going to argue until I read this.
I then realized that my brain is different from normal brain, and my train of thought may sometimes appear insane (regardless of if I’m insane or not).
All I know is that, even without the game mechanics, this game makes a pretty interesting story and the art style is appealing to me. And I also know that every time I see a game company make a decision now, they are always tiptoeing around topics that have made people rage on the internet (whether or not the rage was deserved). I do see them clamor towards what people like, but whatever happened to companies pushing forward or falling back based on Performance?
The fact that Mike said that Autumn doesn’t have a money problem (which most likely means it made more than enough to provide more content), and that they instead are unsure if people still want to play this game means that the negative views they hear on “The Fastest Means of Information Travel to Ever Exist on Earth” made them unsure. It’s not like the game got negative reviews, or bad sales numbers, or isn’t the third most discussed game on SRK (after UMVC3 and SSF4AE). The only thing that could hold something like that back is controversy, and the only controversial thing the game has done is have a full female cast (which isn’t going to last very long with timely content support); two of the females are more provocative than “normal” (Which has never stopped gamers before…), but probably balances out with the four grotesque females, three of them having to deal with amputated body parts and/or self mutilation, and the fourth being Double.
Fan support is important, and you should treat your fans right (Like SG is trying to do), but it’s stupid that after everything, the clamoring of people who DON’T play the game (or played it to find a legit reason to complain about (I know people like that)) are the ones that could potentially ruin it.
Hmmm… I said I wouldn’t argue, but I did anyway… well, this is more like an opinion, or me defending my opinion, as I’m not addressing anyone, right?
Yeah, you’re nuts buddy.
You are being unnecessarily rude. Let me cut out the fluff, and try one more once.
Opinion. But do you disagree?
Also opinion, but what would you call Capcom and other fighting game companies treating on-disc DLC and paid characters? With Tekken and DoA, recent series continuations, they almost blatantly say “we aren’t doing that shit capcom did”.
Which part of my assertions are bullshit?
Edit: I make assumptions based on how I feel, yes, but they are based off of those facts and interpretations of events and content. I don’t see the problem.
Dude, I was only referring back to how you blatantly ignored my arguments why this game couldn’t exist in the 90’s.
Also, on disc DLC doesn’t bother me nor should it bother anyone with a functioning brain. Planned DLC is just the way it works nowadays and I’d rather it not be a huge download.
I didn’t ignore them, I conceded I was wrong and changed to a less “if this was that” opinion… wait, did I say out loud that I conceded? If I didn’t, I thought it, but I’m sorry for the confusion.
Not that OD-DLC should bother anyone, but it does. And the companies hear it.
Does anyone else think that the short roster for a team-based game hurt it a little bit? I mean it’s all opinions, and maybe Capcom could’ve got away with it back in the days but their rosters were always packed for the type of game it was, but the roster for the character select screen looks extremely unappealing.
I enjoy the game but the roster just feels very similar, maybe the mechanics need to be explained better for such a short cast. Maybe an online stradegy guide type thing? The anime fighter market is pretty much dominated by Arc and that’s not saying much. The game needed something to bring itself out, I think the extra speed definitely should’ve been considered from the beginning since BlazBlue feels like the SF4 of anime games in terms of speed.
Majority rules at the end of the day. SG could be the best game ever, but if majority wont play it then it dies. Sad but true, it’s not the negative views killing the game, it’s the mass of people not playing it. Game could have nothing but positive feedback but if people aren’t playing it would have the same problem.
Small? Yeeaah. Similar? Noooo. But stuff like roster size is why this petition even exists. Shows people are actually amped for it and are willing to buy it when it drops.
Thank you all for supporting, the petition has reached its first 100! Keep spreading this to others around and we should reach 1000 in no time at all! Long live Skullgirls!
Agree to disagree, the small roster was never a huge factor for me and, for 15 dollars, I think I got my moneys worth.
Very similar … ?
You mean like this?
You think the extra speed should’ve been considered since BlazBlue feels like SF4 … ? Disregarding the fact that BB and SF4 do not feel analogous to each other in the slightest what does this have to do with Skullgirls?
Don’t care about roster there’s enough for it to be interesting. Reason it died is because we played the patch in june and have been given an ever increasing case of blueballs by information and videos about the patch but no patch. lesson here is don’t even mention a patch until its been aproved and is about to be released. KILLED the hype
This game has a very polarizing art style. Really, that’s responsible for a significant portion of the “hate”. Some people bought it and decided the art style still bothered them, if you read some user reviews here and there.
If this was a game that was supposed to appeal to quite literally everyone in the fighting game community, a polarizing looks is probably not the way to go.
Also, something can be loved and have nearly unanimous praise and still not sell. Look at Platinum Games. Anybody who buys their games is pretty much in love with the company, myself included. Yet they still sell like garbage (Rising may be an exception). All the way back to (not-yet Platinum back then) Okami, which received nothing but glory, but still sold like shovelware.
As a fighting game enthusiast such as ourselves (well, a good portion who are willing to expand their horizons.) I had no problem buying the game day one to support Autumn, I also didn’t care much for the roster since the only character I liked playing was Ms. Fortune anyways. What I’m coming to is that the way the character select screen is designed, the casual market consumer can think that there is something missing here. If you see, there’s tons of blank squares with those same squares representing the character slots for the current cast.
From a casual player perspective, it’s already easy to be somewhat underwhelemed with such a small cast (Which obviously can be understood, it’s not like any fresh IP non crossover game had a huge roster to begin with.) which is competing with games that have more entries and revision than I probably have boxers in my drawers, meaning they have a much larger and diverse roster. It doesn’t HAVE to be a huge factor for you, we’re beyond the casual market.
The fact that Double completely borrows moves from the cast is understandable, maybe it’s because the characters feel very cookie cutter (except for Valentine, I think the way that she has to set up vial traps is interesting.) they don’t really say “Wow, Ms. Fortune and Filia/Parasoul are SO different I’m going to have to learn everything to make sure it goes my way.” because their pretty much the same get in type character, except Filia has better air options to consider. To make a comparison, it’s like saying Ryu vs Gen in SF4, they play completely different so it’s actually a match up worth learning because their way to win has it’s tricks that MUST be analyzed when encountering the situation.
Plus why is it that I have to worry so much about Double’s ass bump assist than the actual character I’m facing?
Tell me how you’re going to address that guide to newcomers. Why do casuals HAVE to go the extra mile to play the game the right way and they WANT us to play & put their name out?
Regarding speed? I think BlazBlue feels floaty and slow, which is why I personally enjoy Persona 4 Arena a little more because the speed feels comfortable. It sucks that Ling and Nu were the only characters for spectating (IMO) because they’re the only entertaining ones. If I have to see another Hakumen vs Jin/Ragna match up not even beer will save me from boredom.
I think Skullgirls needs to the be the ‘Mahvel’ of Anime Fighters, because they’re well crafted games and knowing how fans will play the game regardless of how stupid broken it is, it’s much easier to create a following and interest because the game is visually appealing. People don’t see the reads, frame data or mind games involved when someone does that ToD combo, people see someone who’s beating the shit out of the other dude for almost a minute. Skullgirls has extremely entertaining combo potential, but sometimes the combos just feel like they drag for a little too long due to the sluggish like speed it currently has.
tl;dr - Autumn is struggling because the community that they tried to support after promised hype and support from our behalves gave them a big “Fuck you.” because the game simply isn’t pulling the cash money to move forward due to the same 6 or so beasts that are just FG naturals. I never agreed once that Autumn should have pushed the game to become competitive and cater to balance to please the 10%, because they’re entering a way too difficult market for the niche community they’re already trying to pull.
Had they made it seem more like a casual comic like experience, which it definitely feels like and the story mode is actually fun to play through once or twice even with the shitty deadlines they were given they could have pushed it out a little more to the casuals on why they should play. You think trying to pitch ‘This game has a small roster, but it’s justified because they’re not only unique but completely balanced’ to a casual they’re going to fart out $15 when that price tag is the highest for the XBLA market? People bitch about Capcom always making games broken and not giving two shits about the competitive community #fuckOno and what not, but they’re the ones that are making money because they give what the casuals want. I swear the FGC is like a psycho ex girlfriend no one wants, we bitch and we bitch yet we’re always there to play regardless of the flaws it has, so who cares about flaws? Care about making your damn community first.
The character roster is small but right for the price, the problem is the game really needs new characters in form of DLC and we agree that we will pay for that, it was funny when I read a online review from a famous spanish website “one bad thing is the game will have a lot of DLC” like if Reverge Labs was doing the same as Capcom.
Joined the facebook group.
From the beginning, I was saying that you can’t expect a game with only girls, extremely small roster, polarizing art style to attract the masses. You may get away with one of those points, but all three ? Good luck.
I’d just like to say gg to everybody spreading the word, we’re a little past halfway there. I feel like it’s worth asking though… If the game sold like 50k+ copies, do you think 1k signatures is enough to sway reverge/autumn/whoever into action? 1k sounds good to me, but I’m not shelling out the dough for a dozen animators and coders to do their thing.
I think the art style is more than a good thing, I even believe whatever “controversy” it creates is a good thing for gaming in general. Enough with this twisted idea of gaming aesthetics gaming media created nowadays, enough with this. This AAA-seller (I’m even saying game, lots of AAA aren’t good games) only crap killed a lot of good ideas, fun games and genres even (I look at my old rpgs from the ps2/1 etc and I get sad…)
I’m pretty sure they’ll change milestone after reaching 1k.
Did you watch latest zero punctuation about Medal Of Honor and Doom 3 HD? =]