Skullgirls Media/ Video/Streams Posting Thread

I meant on the FIRST post… but yeah You’re right. I should have posted links. here:

[media=youtube]_lo_mh13G78[/media] -Filia
[media=youtube]-Wdrc-NTKvU[/media] -Cerebella
[media=youtube]kum1Z78mgzI[/media] -Peacock
[media=youtube]uoMhNTXscCo[/media] -Parasoul
[media=youtube]OJsiLp4IC8o[/media] -Ms Fortune
[media=youtube]w0LzaH7xK1g[/media] -Painwheel
[media=youtube]ZM3SVGYzARY[/media] -Valentine
[media=youtube]fkYluQmIwpI[/media] -Double.

Now, again, can hell from above or a mod please put these on the first post? Instead of making a smart ass post trying to make me look lazy and dumb? I simply didn’t think of it at the time, geesh.

It’s not on the skullgirls website.

Ah, you’re right.
They left out Valentine, Painwheel, and Double from the trailers they have there.
(Get on that Reverge!)

Actually I just went on the website again, they seem to have magically appeared… well, except for double… double is still missing.

(probably more accurately, I never noticed them before…)

IGN’s Skullgirls review is up!

no in game movelist? that’s a pretty glaring oversight.

Not an oversight, they just didn’t have time to do it compared to more pressing issues. It will be in the game in a latter patch.

mentioning how single player is hard even set on easy, but not mentioning the tutorials at all…? =( darn IGN, although I’m happy they gave the game an 8.5

fair enough.

Speaking of Based Broad streaming just a reminder for tonight’s UltraChenTV guys:

Ptint one from my sig.

I always have a stream up for new releases. This shouldn’t be any different.

Amazing stream tonight by UltraChenTV if you missed it. Archive’s are usually up really quick if you’re just getting up or what have you. Mike Z is the game designer we all deserve.

I watched it for 4 hours straight. I get headache =[
Launch party everyday though! =3

Dude if I wasn’t kicking back a couple of brews while watchin the whole thing, I’d be diggin through archives and shit right now!

There is already a media thread where it is stated that you should post streams. Go post everything in there. Thread closed.

-Tha Hindu

damn, shut down! ouch! Don’t think this is the same in any way shape or form as to what I was going to do but ok. I do not even see a section for streams which got my thread shut down to begin with. I respectfully ask that you at least not waste the time of those that entered my thread and entered information on their streams for everyone to bookmark and keep an eye out for. Just as a respect, or re-open my thread which would really be the more proper thing to do. Shoot me a PM if you need me, thanks.

Not only is there no indication that streams should be posted here but the OP of this thread discourages discussion. Talking about streams is something we are going to want to do be it streams from users on this board or upcoming tournament streams. Pretty much every major board has a dedicated stream thread. I think we should too.

After discussing it with some other users I have decided to reopen this thread.

-Tha Hindu

Talked to a number of people and decided to open the stream thread back up.

-Tha Hindu