Anyone in here who could make a painwheel av, that would want to?
Im looking to get into some new forum threads.
Anyone in here who could make a painwheel av, that would want to?
Im looking to get into some new forum threads.
Thanks tumblr:
So after monstering the Salty Cupcakes stream for so long, I finally made an account here. Hello!
I’ve decided to do a series of Skullgirls fanart sketches once a day for the duration of the donation drive. If you guys want, I can post a link to my tumblr.
That was for yesterday. Still have to do today’s.
Please do so.
It’s been a while since I posted on a decent forum for a change. Yikes, you guys have achievements? And likes? And what are points?
Yeah, off topic. Here’s today’s drawing as well.
at first i was ‘wut the shark’?
but then i lol’d =]
I like Samson’s face in the first panel.
Man, Carol would be way fucking scarier if she had no eyes. The way the stitches are placed it looks like they actually sewed eyeless flaps of skin onto her face.
God that’s horrible.
I’d say that size is fine.
Awesome picture by the way!
Great Drawings ^-^
Working drawings here.
Also, copy pasted from the tumblr:
Bonus trivia: according to the advert in Medici Towers, Annie’s design has changed since her old concept art. Her eye is now blue and she has a red trim to her collar. It’s also unclear if she even has an eye patch now.
So much funny/cute/awesome fanart! I love seeing this stuff XD
Got to start drawing me some more fanart~
I’m trying to find an SG vid of the exchange that occurs when Filia beats Cerebella. It’s funny and adorable.
There are a couple… also… LOOOOL
Hey! Hey! Guess who get shiny new avatar from Alex Ahad himself?
I AM!!!
Oookay, this is going to be a big image post, so going against my previous statements I’m going to spoiler em.
As NotSoSaint has shown, Alex was taking requests on the donation drive Salty Cupcakes stream in exchange for donations!
Minette and Wendy
[details=Spoiler] The second of my donations. This is pretty much the best thing I could imagine and I’m still giggling away when I see it
For anyone who follows Ask Minette and was confused by the Halloween image, this might explain a bit ;D
[details=Spoiler] The first of my two donation requests for the night.
Michelle Z
Black Dahlia
Big Band
[details=Spoiler] I loooove this.
Black Dahlia has a nice ass.