What did you use to draw those?
I did the lines in pencil then colored it in Paint Tool SAI with my tablet. This is what my process usually looks like:

What tablet do you use and what size is it? Pretty cool btw.
where is filia intro?
Not sure if I’ll work on it more, still need to get better at rendering.
I don’t know why it’s not there. Tis a darn shame.
Bamboo fun. Medium sized one, whatever that is. 10 inches across maybe?
I should probably put these up on the blog :S

Bar none the sexiest god damn Cerebella I have ever seen.

One of my earlier photoshop works. I hand-drew it and did everything else with the power of technology. I didn’t have a tablet back then, so this was kind of hell with a mouse! I may do more SG sometime.
Well damn, that’s the kind of woman Escher would drool over.
Also, this is probably the first time I’ve seen a fighting game with a fanart thread but not an original character thread. Bizarre.
I think part of that problem is that there’s only like 3 good Skullgirls OCs in existence. I’ve seen some Sonic-level fan character horribleness coming from SG fans… Doesn’t help the Skullgirls’ universe is largely unknown and so it’s hard to make a character who seems like they’d “fit in”.
…Anyway, so I actually contribute, something I posted on tumblr not long ago.
You see, I realized why Peacock and Marie are such good friends despite their differences.

Hey, I saw that pic on a… place. A place of horrors. Assholes seem well suited to it. Did you have a caption in mind when you made it?
Only three good OCs, you say? Well damn, mine ain’t likely to make the grade then. And Tyrone ‘Tiss Toss’ Tyranitus Taurus of the Taurus mafia had such a ring to it.
Well, I said Tumblr? That’s pretty horrific. haha
Unless you meant 4chan, in which case someone reposted it without my knowledge. That happens often enough that I don’t really care about it too much
Like I said, the problem I tend to find with OCs is either: They aren’t well-realized, i.e. their ties to the SG universe are tenuous at best. They may not have a convincing story or set of abilities that make sense. I’m one of those poor fools who actually reads the OC profiles that people make, ahaha ;-; SG characters all have a very central theme to their abilities, but most OCs I’ve seen feel more like their creator just took a bunch of stuff out of the Cool Powers Grab Bag and slapped it onto their character
The other is me being artistic nitpicky: Some people can emulate Ahad’s art style well, but that doesn’t necessarily mean their OC character designs really click with the feel of Skullgirls. Most I feel are either too “modern”, too “anime” or too “Burton” for SG. And that goes for existing character redesigns (I’m looking at you, 5 million Adult Peacock artists) as well.
this has been an overly long post brought to you by lk hope you enjoyed
Hey man, you had to explain fast and words too slow. Cool beans.
Full life consequences?
Also what OC’s are talking about LK (you still owe me the sexy)?
Name 'em, I’m curious~
That came out of nowhere, but i like it xd
I can imagine where the hands are grabbing…
There’s a reason I no longer allow OC stuff in the Featured section of my deviantART club. The artwork is (occasionally) quite good, but feature status is strictly for art of the official characters, submitted by the artists themselves. (I wonder if this nitpickiness helps explain why mine is not the biggest SG fan club on dA, despite being – as far as I can tell – the oldest.)
Ms. Fortune combating fridge horror.
Horror Filia.
YOU KNOW WHAT…can we…not talk about that?
I lied
Oh, Ms. Fortune. You and your multidimensional thieving antics…