Oh thanks! I have the basic stuff right now, but it wont be done for a while. And by a while, I mean about six months. I’m slow.
edit: derp, cant quote right
Oh thanks! I have the basic stuff right now, but it wont be done for a while. And by a while, I mean about six months. I’m slow.
edit: derp, cant quote right
This drawing is simple but so sad :sad:
Okay, these two are pretty much the best thing ever.
Some good fan sketches on this tumblr. Warning: a lot of yuri shipping here.
its the filthy casual part that slays me too.
Don’t quote images please.
i can put them in spoilers right?
Nope. Don’t quote them / spoil them at all.
wat. shenanigans.
okay. fixed.
THATS IT! i demand an umasked Alternate for Painwheel for DLC! or hell, make it called Carol and just give her some new properties and id be cool with it.
I drew a Cerebella, http://loosewire.deviantart.com/
Friend of mine drew Parasoul, http://mieket.deviantart.com/
All found on flaming fist:
This one is fucking depressing:
That is just bad-ass.
It also is.
This thread totally needs more Lunch. Happened to spot this one today. It’s Pixiv, so I can’t directly link to it:
H.P. Lovecraft has never been so adorable.
Some more fanart that i’m doing inspired by queen’s gate. Fun stuff and what not coming soon on my TUMBLR (shameless plug)