Just now realizing that Cerebella’s j.hp is referencing The Hulk.
Just now remembering that The Hulk had that move in MVC.
.If you wanna be technical, her J. HK is also a reference to Hulk’s J. HK from MSH, MvC & MvC2.
I was looking at some of Hulks moves, moves from MVC1 (since I’ve never played it, I was thinking her yelling “Smash!” all hulk like), and it kinda looks like he had a move that looked a lot like s+f.hp/Titan Knuckle as well. Am I wrong?
I don’t think this is a reference so much as it is a coincidence but Double is kind of similar to Mom from The Binding of Isaac. Both are messed up amorphous blobs that have an …“interesting” interpretation of religion.
More Color references:
Possible reference(not sure)
Who’s that girl in the Filia reference?
ms fortunes japanese head is supposed to reference the two random heads in the touhou bullet hell game
the way you get palette 10 is by unlocking a code i think someone posted it in the forums, but if not you can look it up
Triela from Gunslinger Girl
I later found out it is actually a reference to a meme that started on 2chan, involving a hilariously badly drawn shift_jis art of 2 of Touhou’s main characters which was then later redrawn into this.

The text roughly translates to “Take it easy!” from “Yukkuri Shiteitte ne!”

Doubting that. Would be very strange to make a reference-palette and then add something which has nothing to do with the reference (the fingerless gloves).
In the western side of Touhou fandom, they’re called “yukkuris”, after the phrase. Shit’s insane in popularity, IIRC there’s an entire wiki dedicated to the things.
So, did anyone saw the newest palettes that will be available?
Yup. Valentine is getting a Sheena(Tales of Symphonia) color pallette.
I guess I’m learning Valentine.
That was quite literally my reaction as well.
Ok, I make the second compedium of the references
(if you miss the first video : Here)
Been this long, forgot to come back here. CTRL F’d for it every page, did not find.
Type = Quote
Sagat win quote. **
CAPCOM vs. SNK 2: **Mark of the Millennium 2001 / Millionaire Fighting 2001