Skullgirls Bugs & Glitches Thread - Check First Post

Yeah, I’ve been getting the same. My connection seems fine and things go smoothly once the match starts, but it’s taking much longer to communicate with the server. PSN?

Is that a sparring mode glitch. I know once or twice I exit the game from sparring mode, but when I go back to versus, the game plays like a normal match, but sparring is still set to on…

No, that was done online. He also said he did it against the cpu.

Well…I got nothing then. Except that maybe the character is only considered truly dead when they stop being comboed(codewise). In which case You could just add another state/flag that properly defines what a dead character is and what can be done to them.

From looking at it the character doesn’t seem to be declared fully dead until their red health drains out completely after they’re KOd. The glitch works by snapping them out before the red health fully disappears after they go down, as you can see Parasoul survives with far less health the second time she resurrects.

I guess it could also be circumvented by instantly reducing a character’s red health to zero after they KO instead of having it drain like that?

True, but that would look…not as good. Your method probably requires less work, though. I suppose which is done depends on when mike can resubmit. If doing it that way means we get it a month earlier than planned then I may be willing to accept the red health simply dissipating into nothingness.

Ar, the easy dirty solution is definitely not as nice looking as your fix and I would personally prefer the draining look myself.

On the other hand, this is not exactly a bug that needs immediate fixing, so if it came down to delaying the release of the patch it really shouldn’t be considered. It’d be almost impossible to accidentally do this in a match and is of no benefit to the one who does the action, so they won’t be trying to do it in any case.

wow that is a pretty big one. i could see it may be an issue if you want to deal with a certain character that is giving you problems like a pesky assist or something you might want to spend the meter to bring them in before the next character.

you could also be in a situation where you have dealt the opps 3rd character a large amount of red health due to them making bad assist calls, and you have just taken care of their first character, i would think you would want to bring in the 3rd character instead of the 2nd to make them lose all the red health. definately something i would do if i saw the oppertunity now the idea of snapping dead characters has been put in my head.

to say that there is no reason at all to do this is an incorrect statement tbh.

Yeah, I guess that is a fair point. I hadn’t really thought of it from that direction.

Killing the point character and then snapping them out means they’ll come back with a lot less red health than if you snapped them out mid combo. If you juggle their corpse for a while and let their red health drain you still get to snap out a character of your choice and they point character will stay dead.

Does any other game allow you to snap corpses? I haven’t played a whole lot of Marvel.

Either way, I don’t actually think being able to snap a corpse is a necessarily bad thing. It still costs a meter so there is a cost associated with it. The only issue is that resurrection part, which is an issue now that you’ve shown me snapping corpses has a use!

yea im certain you cant snap corpses on marvel since the body just drops out of the combo once it kills. you CAN however end your combo with a snap so that the actual snapback itself kills them, but that can be hard and pretty risky since it only does 50,000 damage on its own and thats before you take scaling into account. you better pray it kills them because if it doesnt then you just gave up a kill (which we all know is something you should pretty much never ever give away.)

im sure being able to snap corpses was intentional and i think it works well as a mechanic as well since its not like its free or anything. you killed a character you should be able to choose which one comes next.

I dont really agree with it, but I can accept the ability to choose who comes in next. I mean when you think about snap backs make as much sense as Ryu with a double jump. Just…HOW??? So I just dont think of it as a “logical” mechanic, but it’s an interesting one which adds another level of strategy to the game. Snapping back corpses may just be giving one player an unnecessary advantage since they can already get a position advantage by juggling the corpse. Why can/should the opponent have that much control over the opponents team from a single death?If the players are pretty much even in skill and the opponent has a pixel of life (i.e. the gam is still pretty even), the match shifts waaaaaaaay in the favor of the killer for a moment, especially if the player whose character was killed barely gets any meter from being juggled… But I’m willing to see how things actually work out. I’ll just be pessimistic while I wait and watch.

erm, because ive just spent a meter to do it? ive given up extra flexibility with my team by having less meter. if it was free i could totally get what you mean, but i agree that it adds an extra level of strategy to the game.

im glad i saw that video cos i probs wouldnt have ever thought about it.

And? Supers also cause meter loss in games. Snapping back a corpse when you know it won’t get you any where is the same thing as a whiffed super (withough intent to dhc) or a super spent on a corpse. You spent meter for pretty much no reason.

But like I said, I’ll wait it out and see if this become too abusable.

read my posts above i gave 2 very good reasons why you would snap a corpse.

how on earth could it become abuseable???

edit: this should probably move to game play discussion as well since its gameplay related and we shouldnt be filling this thread full of stuff.

I would use this if it didn’t revive the character. It could be pretty good vs ratio 3 teams.

I’m talking about the ability to snap the corpse. If you couldn’t snap back a corpse but you decide to perform one anyway, it’d be the same as using a super on a corpse.

I’ve already stated that snapping characters in has strategic value and that I’d wait to see what happens.

whats wrong with being able to snap a corpse?

i honestly dont understand what your point is.

All snap backs cost a meter. And the match shifts in the attacker’s favor once the opposing character is dead regardless, so bringing in character 3 instead of 2 for a price isn’t abuse-able in anyway. Not to mention the fact that you could fail to open up the next character on the incoming mix-up and then have to deal with fighting minus a meter.


Blowing a meter on a corpse to snap in the character you want to bring in only makes sense. Using a super on a corpse for just the disrespect is different, because your purpose is “Oh, hold dat!” as opposed to the snapback, which is more like “You, in the back, stop being a punk!” If you feel so confident in your ability to handle it, you should be able to blow a meter to prove it. It’s not even like you get a free combo on the incoming character, I don’t see what the big deal is.