Xbox, tutorial mode,Fillia
Just a minor thing, the command list shows some combos including “Hairball (HK)” but will treat the LK or MK versions the same way.
Xbox, tutorial mode,Fillia
Just a minor thing, the command list shows some combos including “Hairball (HK)” but will treat the LK or MK versions the same way.
This is on the Xbox 360 - Jasper Model with 120 gig hard drive.
During the opening cinema / attract mode intro movie, about 1:07 of the intro, when the close up portrait of Painwheel comes up, the collage of screenshots stop and the screen goes blank for about 5 or 6 seconds until the rest of the screenshots begin to show up. And is it just me or is the music just a bit out of sync compared to earlier trailer videos put out in the past? Seems like the music starts a little too early to match up with the visuals.
Online netplay does not work on Xbox Live. I Got a message that follows me in all modes and menus about netcode needing to be verified.
Only happened once, but after playing in story mode, Mrs. Fortune was tagged in and appeared as a moving hitbox for a few seconds, then returned to normal.
In tutorial mode while explaining how to perform Blockbusters, the tutorial states to do a QCB motion with all 3 kicks, when only 2 are necessary.
During the ending credits (love the song btw =]. Can we get an OST download in the future?), the text seems to stutter every few seconds. Not a big deal but still a noticeable little nitpick.
That’s all for now. I did play the demo on my PS3 and noticed the loading times were significantly shorter on PS3 and I hear the netplay is working just fine on that platform. It would make sense the PS3 ver. is the way to go due to all the Dev Systems I saw the game run on during ReveLAtions, Evo and such, were running on PS3 format. So ill be making my PS3 demo download into a full fledged purchase in the very near future.
Thanks alot Mike and everyone who worked on the game. Having alot of fun with it so far and the visuals are beautiful. Hope this game gets alot of support with DLC. Is it too much to hope for more themes and stages besides the obvious request for additional characters? :3
I use the old xbox 360 “arcade” with the 20gb hard drive.
In arcade and training, the only two modes I’ve played so far, and I’ve been getting the hitbox glitch where the characters become just hitboxes. It usually happens after DHCs, or going into specials, or when someone switches in, or just completely randomly.
Is this happening to anyone else?
^ I got this to happen on ms. fortune and cerebella(CPU side) in arcade mode. Cerebella just became a bunch of hitboxes when she did cerecopter, I’m not exactly sure when ms. fortune turned into it though.
I recall reading they have to stream the frames from the harddrive or something, because consoles have such limited amounts of RAM (for 2d games with this kind of resolution and amount of frames and up to 3 characters on both teams, I’m guessing there’s no way to fit that amount of texture).
So if you have a slow harddrive for some reason, or just by chance, it may not be able to keep up with streaming the frames. I suppose showing the hitboxes is a fallback, so at least you see something.
Well, that’s my speculation from what I’m hearing. Don’t have any experience with the issue myself (EU PS3 >_>).
the hitbox thing is known and what causes it is known, i do not think we need to report those.
i noticed the stutter on the end credits to, but i thought it happened whenever a picture was fully on the screen and had thought it intentional.
this is not a glitch, peacock has some invulnerability on the start up of argus agony. im guessing what happened is valentine managed to make it into peacock during this time. she didnt actually connect with the super because peacock was invulnerable so the super didnt continue.
When holding down a HP item drop for Peacock while playing online the sound of the item dropping (the slide whistle) will sometimes just disappear all together.
Phat PS3
A few more details on the hitboxes glitch problem:
I’m using a Xbox 360 Slim 250GB and I’m getting that issue, but it only seems to happen when I play a three-character team (didn’t happen with single or two-character team). EDIT: Looks like it started happening on two-character teams as well, no idea what could have changed, maybe the stages?
A certain way to make it happen is to tag-in a character and walk towards or backwards after she’s in, it always glitches that way.
We already heard that this is caused by the slow hard-drives, but can it actually get patched? Someone call the Z-man to enlighten us!
Amazing game by the way
I’m using an old 360 with a 20gb HDD. I’m finding the loading times are quite long at the moment, I’m not sure if other people are experiencing the same problem.
About being sent to the dashboard its not a glitch its because you keep pressing “exit game” -.-
Eh heh, I’m guilty of that too. I was wondering why it randomly sent me to the dashboard, and, was about to come mention it. I probably hit exit game by mistake since it right under end match. Mike_Z already address the online issue here. Seem like it’s a issue on MS’s side
A glitch happened to me in an online match. I was with Parasoul on point, dude had uh Fortune I think. I use Parasoul’s super (I don’t remember which one but I recorded the match) and then DHC into Filia’s 214KK super. For a split second, Filia’s hurtbox showed up on the screen.
On PS3 local versus mode, if the 2 player controller is removed, the notice to reconnect message comes up, and there’s nothing that be done about it except plugging in another controller or exiting Skullgirls. It’d be nice if there was a way for player 1 who is still connected to have the option to go back to the main menu during that ‘Please reconnect’ message.
Whichever controller is set to ‘drive’ the main menu can’t be changed it seems. Right after turning on a pad so I could go to the main menu above, I turned off the pad and tried to drive the main menu with my stick, and that didn’t work. There was no way I could find to turn back on the pad and give control to the stick; in UmVC3 or SF4, I could exit out of the menu to the splash screen and exit the splash screen to attract mode, and whichever controller hit a button during attract mode became the player one controller and could drive the menu. I couldnt find any such option here and had to ‘Quit Skullgirls’ via the PS3 menu.
Erection lasted over four hours which can be bad for health. Please control your future awesomeness content.
XBL doesn’t work
On xbox 360
It seems anytime I enter the xbox dashboard from Skullgirls, the game will not reboot on first try. But any other time works. I reboot to the game to get rid of Live validate message.
Skullgirls [S]@[/S]Skullgirls
Update on XBLA online play: Reboot your game if you had this problem, and everything should be working now. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Someone looked at French Skullgirls translation issues yet? In the previous general discussion thread on the last 1 or 2 pages some french user was complaining about the french translation being google translated
same here. slim 4gb model, load times are way faster when I played it on ps3.
Those echoes are GGPO rolling back a frame or two due to lag.
Now Im not sure if this was my fault or the game’s, but my Xbox randomly froze