No, I’m not really much of a psn player.
Feel like I’ve come across that handle befor escapes me where though.
That Nova guy was signed up in the last Skullbats but couldn’t make it.
Anyways, just found out I randomly have Saturday off, but there’s a local UMVC3 tournament I’m probably going to…=( I wish I could do both. I’m probably leaving around 3ish. If I don’t go I’ll participate for sure, to at least bump Combo to 2nd again ;D
Bring it. Claws out.
I would like to join…always wanted to but was too nervous
Yo into this.
Gamertag is GirlyStyle but PSN is everypowerranger.
I will actually show up this time!
I am making this one! zferolie is my PSN. I would have made last weeks if I knew my friends were going to forget to call me to do some gaming.
I think i’m finally gunna be able to play in this one. Sign me up!
Unless i did this correctly, i think i’m having problems connecting to the IRC, whats the address for it?
well, yeah I know that one, I was asking something different though.
Not a Chance!!! XD I actually need to get serious and play. Haven’t played since the Skull bats #2 I’ll probably be timid as hell on that game now, lol
Well I guess there isn’t a problem with the IRC, saw some other people join. Only reason i was a bit confused was because I joined and became OP lol
If we have KNOWN matches with other people that are laggy, can we try to sort the bracket around that?
I don’t think anyone wants a laggy match.
Suprisingly playing in the last Skullbats I faced people with up to 150 ping and it was smoother than melted butter o.o knowing each others delay + GGPO = God Damn
yea i havent had any super bad lag, besides some occasional hiccup that isnt to noticeable.
and for some reason my ping readout tends to read as 300 at times. not sure why. but everyone ive played in the skullbats has been on 2-3 frame for the most part and I havent gotten any complaints from them, nor have i had any bad lag on my part either.
im in. sorry i missed last one
Sign me up.
PSN: Ninjakills666
I guess I might have time for this so please sign me up. PSN is sok13-.
~ Sokloeum
count me in
I think I can forsee top 3 this time.
Looks like I can’t do Skullbats this week. Take tv_allergy off the bracket. I’ll be supporting Skullgirls locally.
yo sanger sign me up, thought i said i was in this time but not on the brackets.
edit: PSN is everypowerranger