Sirlin's topic on balance

I wouldn’t say ST is hella balanced. Some characters have hella lot of difficult matches. cough cammy cough thawk cough blanka cough honda cough

ok, so vampire savior’s not a balanced fighter beacuse zabel can rush down like a maniac, and guilty gear’s not balanced because ky can now JC his c.hs


Only thing balanced in SC is GI. Take that away and you’re just left with a typical Namco fighting game. =p

GI is basically a system flaw because it’s only weakness is human error. In theory it’s basically unstoppable.

o rly

The idea that balance is bad because then there’s no variety (and the general line of argument in Ponder’s article about balance) seems to miss the point entirely.

When people say they want balance, they generally mean - super diverse characters but made in such a way that all the match ups are 5 - 5 or that every characters has an equal number of 6-4 to 4 - 6 match ups. (8-2 match ups are basically instant lose, so that’d hardly be a balanced game is everyone was 8-2’ing eachother about the place).

For people wanting such balance and diversity - I just say look at GGXX/, and get on with it. Not to say that imbalance is ruining games, since you’ve got lots of alright options in things like 3s or whatever, just to say that the balanced and diverse game already exists.

First of all, that describes everything in every fighting game.

Second, you’ve never played SC3, huh? lol

I dont know much about SC3, but I thought GI was considered useless before that. No?

Also, is GGXX/ or VF4FT considered more balanced? FT rite?

No, a lot of games have systematic checks for techniques that aren’t so human error dependent. If you know someone is going to reverse you in VF you don’t have to fake a hit or try to hit a different height level you just grab their ass and get it over with.

Imagine SF with no throws: sure, no human could block every single attack so one might argue it doesn’t need throws. However, anybody who’s played the game semi-seriously would know what a hassle it’d be to break down blocking without grabs. Blocking needs a more practical counter just like GI in SC2.

SC2 GI always beat any move except unblockables, they counter 2 hit levels at once, they always beat mids (the best moves in the game), they give free damage unless opponent GIs back or performs a glitch that wasn’t even supposed to be in the game, and they can break the stun from other GIs. Hell, it doesn’t even take much timing to do. The weakness? Hopefully they’re guessing wrong about your hit level or they’re anxious and whiff it. Basically if you’re opponent doesn’t fuck up you will be GIed. Sounds like a great answer to a lot of tactics to me.

I played SC3 once and quickly forgot everything about it.

GI in SC2 just gets trumped by step, a more practical tactic with less guessing games involved.

Yeah in SC3 you can G22 Gi stun, and hit the GIer for free. So hypothetically you could just G22 everything you do, just like you could hypothetically GI everything your opponent does.

atothex: FT, you are rite!

Maybe I’m out of place for saying this so forgive me but isn’t Tekken 5:DR considered balanced now?

I think the idea isn’t to have a perfectly balanced fighting game, but instead have a fighter where the teirs aren’t so lopsided that some characters have unusually high advantage. I attest that variety and balance can infact exist in every fighter, but to get a really good balanced fighter it would take thought, and probably some revisions after it was released. Most companies don’t patch thier games after they are released, and they inevitably end up misbalanced. If capcom released revisions on games like 3s when glaring problems of balance rear thier ugly heads, then the game would become far more balanced than it is now. But since most companies don’t both (outside of sega) it is a moot point.