yeah i noticed that too. Thats for the compliments dentron. -__-
what the hell are you talking about combo into sciccors ->…?
yeah i noticed that too. Thats for the compliments dentron. -__-
what the hell are you talking about combo into sciccors ->…?
safe fall fyi
oh, for some reason i thought he meant activate -> O_o…
I like slide. it looks hawt. No seriously…
i saw bas doing scissors if that means anything to you
who did he do them to
i thought he only played video games
but if he’s like my hero raul julia then he’s a greater person than i thought
Vid 8:
H+K’s Execution and punishing is good, while Phobos’s patience is pretty good until he gets meter, needs to turtle more.
Probably should’ve been baiting vs. full meter more often.
Phobos should’ve saved his meter at the end of the Blanka round for Sakura, because Blanka can go crazy when Sakura doesn’t have meter plus, H+K had meter to back him up.
Bison vs. Bison:
Phobos should’ve been on H+K’s Bison like white on rice. Just do some 1 hit scissor setups, mix up with throws
or crossups.
Shouldn’t have ran away because it gave H+K more opportunity to build meter.
Too much RC PC whoring.
Overall, pretty good. Should’ve baited activation at the end.
Stay patient when you have meter.
To both:
Bait more
AA more
hahaha, MIB 2 reference. hahaha.
Though I do agree that is definetly the hawt. But I knew about it for awhile now, so it’s more like the old busted hawtness.
Fuck anti-airs! That shit is overrated, son!
Thank you for your analysis! Sometimes I get impatient during matches because I am a spaz. I gotta work on that.
cant it just be old hawtness, like a milf or something?
Bas does it? ok im using that from now. im gonna be cool and use psycho crushers to punish. oooooh. or teleport and then slide… O_o… But yeah, i really DID think about it last night. MK sciccors builds more meter, you can activate after it, and it gives you more momentum as if they do another early get up, just do it again. If you do combo -> sciccors slide(early get up, it hits), you slide again(early get up, it might not hit, you are left at like - 1012912398, and they free combo your ass). =-o now i have to start using mk sciccors =(
Thanks Nick T for your info!
Edit: Oh yeah Dentron! Where are the dir en grey cosplayers?!
Best advice I can give on that is to work your game off the clock and the lifebar.
The lifebar has 4 colors.
Yellow, dark yellow, orange, then red…is this correct?, I feel like im missing a color.
Lets say i’m at yellow and the opponent is at like orange. At this point I just wait him out because if he waits, and the timer runs out, then I have advantage because he has less life than me. I only do it at certain times though.
Or, in terms of the timer, just figure that you have alot of time in comparison to how fast the match could be finished. So I just use it as a mental note to stay patient.
Just think to yourself, “Well, I have a minute and a half, do I REALLY have to rush everything and possibly not think things through? Or, could I just safely plan things out and pace myself?”
thats how i think, sometimes. But my friend sometimes plays with no clock, so i can turtle as MUCH as i want and wait for gaps. Like rolls or bad recovery moves. Turtling is top tier. =/
Wow those matches were excellent, I haven’t been impressed by CVS2 matches in a long time. It’s amazing how RCing Sak can destroy Blankas.:devil:
I think with more practice you guys could be refined like the Japanese.:tup:
oh shit, we’re japanese now. Thank you, that made me happy.