Sim thread

I was playing with J Cole this weekend, and we played this match up for a bit. One other thing you can throw in to the mix among all the other great tips, is the neutral FP on early jump attacks.

Many Blanka players like to jump from a far with a slightly early attack to hit your AA limbs. If you see this hit FP b4 they land. You either hit them after the limib retracts and push them back, or if they land and block and you push them back. Either way you reset you zone.

Most Blanka’s will try to reclose this distance they just lost by jumping after being pushed back. Follow up the FP with a slow fire ball and they may land right on it. If they do make it over the fireball use the AA of your chioce or hit FP again… starting the pattern all over.:lol:

This by no means is the way to beat blanka but it is a piece of the puzzle.

Anyway, I am No Dhalsim expert like many around here.:sweat: But I figured you would want all the information you could get about this match up.:wgrin: It may not be the prefect strat. However, I have used it many times to save me from getting my face chewed by blanka!

question for you sim masters, how dependable and reliable is the sim teleport?, seems like it could be very useful though I can only get it out maybe half the time its called upon, any opinion on it and tips on ways of getting it out consistently would be appreciated thanks.

Have you tried to straight up negative edge it? I’m assuming you mean on wakeup/as reversal. I think it would be easier to release than press most of the time, and you also won’t get random as much random shit instead of the teleport.

One of the things that makes Dhalsim so strong is his multitude of available anti airs. but many of these don’t work on certain characters or from certain distances, etc. Can anyone break down any key anti airs for certain matchups? For example, I once faced a Dhalsim who always anti-aired me with a short slide into a throw. Unfrotunately it was a LONG time ago so I don’t remember which character I was using at the time… but who can that work on? Who wont it? When is back-jab preferable to back-strong and vice versa? Who has the tricky jumps that can get over a seemingly well places stretchy-forward or roundhouse?

This thread has a lot of great general info, but few nitty gritty specifics (tho cigarbob’s vs boxer breakdown was great, nice work dude!). Can anyone do what Cigarbob did but for some other characters? I’d really like to get better with Dhalsim, but matchup theory seems especially important for him as compared to, say, Ryu, who’s going to approach most of his matches similarly.


I just figured out tonight that you can combo Sim’s super off of a slow fireball! I’m guessing this may be common knowledge to some people out there, but I don’t recall ever seeing or hearing about this, so it’s news to me :wgrin:

Now, the downside is that it doesn’t appear to be too practical. The timing is tight, the spacing is tight, and from my tests I think you need to start this when the opponent is getting up in the corner. So, it’s fairly situational too.

Anyway, here’s how to do it:

  1. Get opponent into corner
  2. Position yourself just slightly out of standing LP range
  3. Knock the opponent down…ideally so that they become dizzy!
  4. Do a slow yoga fire so that it’ll hit them meaty in their back as they’re getting up
  5. Do a super IMMEDIATELY on the frame that you recover from the yoga fire.

If you did this correctly, you should get a 6 hit combo that does reasonably more damage than just a super.

Like I said, it doesn’t seem to be very practical. It relies on a lot of things all coming together. And even if they do, it’s a real bitch to pull off correctly. On the other hand, if you did pull this off to win the round, it’d be a pretty impressive finish! :tup:

Here’s a brief list of characters which I know you probably shouldn’t anti-air with slide.

Claw(I think)
Gief(I think)

Shotos, Deejay, Fei Long and Hawk are all slide bait. I don’t believe they have any air attack that can beat it.

Oddly enough I’m not sure if you can anti-air sim’s drills with slide since I hardly ever play that mirror match.

But then again it’s fairly situational since not all their jump in attacks will stuff slides.

Also be aware that although his cross up slide is nice, it’s actually blockable if the opponent is onto your shenanigans(This might be strictly an AE thing, but I was surprised when this happened to me the other day).

A big part of learning Dhalsim is learning what anti-air to use and when. They’re mostly range dependent so you need a good sense of spacing.


Actually, iirc, Sagat is primary target for anti-air slides. In fact, I don’t think Sagat can hit any of the low punches either.

Yeah, slides are bad antiairs against Gief. He can eat them up with jumping down+forward, down+short, or regular forward, depending on the distance, and once you antiair him with a slide you better make sure you combo into crouching back+forward or whatever, because otherwise you’re getting spun. Not that that makes things difficult for Dhalsim, you have a plethora of good antiairs to use againt Gief even without slide.

Upon knockdown (new sim player here), is it possible to be aggressive to shotos at all? I always get reversed DP everytime, no matter what mixup I use? Any advice would be awesome, thanks

Depends on where they are.

Sometimes it is just better to walk up and duck just just outside of throw range right as they get up. You bait the Reversal SRK, and the you can punish.

Other times, I do the same thing but do the yoage flame a MAX range, they get up in to it, which if in the corner is dangerous for them, or they reversal (other than super combo) they get hit by the flames, lose ~20% and get knocked down again.

If none of this makes sense it is b/c it is late. I will edit in the AM…LOL

You can try a meaty headbutt (really frickin hard to reversal DP) when they are getting up. However if their reversal DP timing is flawless they will still hit you.

This is all great stuff, thanks for the feedback guys. The only game I’m playing a lot is SF2T on XBLA and there are guys who just mash the shit out of DP and I feel sometimes I can’t stop it. Those strategies seem good though

I could have sworn that his jump short could beat out slides. In either case I think I’ll fire up ST some time to make a thorough list for each character’s jump attacks.

Sagat’s jump short cannot beat Dhalsim’s slide.

Sagat has no attack to beat out slide. His options are jump fromjust putside slide range and land with a TU or kick early to hit Sim before slide attempt.

The Teleport glitch where you perform the move going Toward and end up in the same spot is avoidable; just nobody’s studied the move cuz they’ve abandoned it for the most part. It does the same thing in the SNES version of SSF2 but I figured out why it happens in a few minutes.

So how do you avoid the glitch, then?

Y’all can figure it out; it’ll be common knowledge in a couple years.

In case y’all don’t know this yet, there’s a difference between Teleporting w/ punches and kicks and it’s not whichever is more convenient for you: using kicks keeps a larger gap between you and your opponent, and using punches keeps a smaller gap. If you’re tryna run, use kicks.

Pretty sure that’s common knowledge. Like “you can tell from just doing the move” common.

Somebody explained the glitch in a topic a long time ago. If I can find it, I’ll link it, since this guy wants to act like he was the first one who figured it out.
I’m gonna do some editing to the 'Sim mini-guide I wrote up on the first page. I didn’t really know the match-ups anywhere near as well as I thought I did back when I wrote it, so I’m gonna try to correct a lot of it for anyone who gives enough of a shit to read it.

Gonna try not to write too much, since we’re here to help, not play the game for people.

I doubt I’m the first to figure it out; the point is I figured it out for myself and it only took a matter of minutes. Just tryna get someone to do a little work instead of always mooching the info from someone else.