Sick combos with III

never use sa3 vs oro if you want win …XD

Haha you have a point there. But Sugi has proved that wrong, SA3 works! Even against the twins… But on the other hand Sugi is fuckin’ God. Hahaha

sugiyama is owned by a good oro player in shirube 2
and dirty music own sugiyama

vs oro use SA1 or die

Good point. I didn’t think about that.
SA1 for the win against Oro then :wink:

1-set ups


ground combos

b.shortx2>s.strongxx (sa1 , sa3) (you can hit confirm this)
c.shortxjab electricityxx (sa1,sa3) (you can hit confirm this)
b.forwardxstrong rollXx (sa1 , sa3)
c.shortxjab roll
b.strongxx(sa1, sa3) (very easy hit confirm)
(mealty) UOH> b.forwardxstrong rollXx (sa1 , sa3)
(mealty) UOH> b.short xjab roll
(max range) UOH> (sa1, sa3)
b.strong>snake fang (only work vs a crouching oponent)
c.shortxjab roll> sa1
j.strong or j.round house>(sa1/sa3)

after a stunned ground oponent

b.round house>s.strong x(sa1, sa3)
b.roundhouse>ex roll
fierce roll> b.forwardx ex roll
fierce roll> fierce electricity (not work in all)

normal juggles


b)b.round house
c)fierce electricity

(anti air) electricity…

a)(back bounce) b.roundhouse
b)(back bounce) bd.fierce
c)(near bounce) b.roundhouse

anti air corner exflying viper(1hit)or raising cobra(1hit)…

shotos,dudley, necro, 12,oro:jab electricity>bd.fierce>jab
q,remy,makoto,elena:jab electricity>bd.fierce>b.strong
urien:jab electricity>bd fierce>s.strong
ibuki,yan, yun, chun:jab electricity>bd fierce

**(corner) b.fierce **

urien, hugo: bd.fiercex3
bd fiercex2>sa3
bd fiercex3
shotos, necro, oro,dudley, makoto, remy, Q, elena, 12: bd fierce>b.strong
yun, yan, chun, ibuki,chun:

(corner)jab roll…

dudley, necro, 12, shotos, oro:bd.fierce>s.jab
elena, remy, q, makoto:db fierce>b.strong
hugo, alex:bdfiercex3
hugo:(snake fang , sa2)
yun, yan, ibuki, chun:bdfierce

(you cornered) snake fang

dudley, Q, elena: jab roll>bd.fierce…etc
alex: bd.fierce x6
hugo: jab roll> bd.fiercex3
makoto: SA3 > bd.fierce> b.strong

list of after a SA3

makoto, elena, chunli, oro : b.strong
shotos, (near) 12 : jab electricity> bd.fierce>s.jab
urien : jab electricity> bd.fierce>s.strong
jab electricity>bd.fierce> b.strong
(midscreen) s.strong
alex :s.jab
remy, (far)12, dudley, yun , yan, necro, ibuki : jab electricity>s.strong
hugo: jab electricity>bd.fierce x2>b.forward
shotos, remy, Q, ibuki, yun, yan, dudley:jab electricityxxsa3>bd.fierce …etc

after a corner grab

shotos: s.strong/ bd.fierce
Q: jab electricity …
xxSA3>(walk)bd.fierce>b.strong //really dificult this combo
remy , makoto: bd.fierce>b.strong
elena :
ex roll
chun, oro, yan, yun, alex, hugo, ibuki, dudley: s.strong
urien: …
12, necro:bd.fierce>s.jab
all (except elena and urien): s.strongxxsa1

(mid screen)SA3>SA3
all hits (elena , alex, oro)
one hit (shotos , remy , necro, chun,dudley,Q)

**stun juggles **

stun after a corner sa3

b.strong x3>bd.fierce>s.jabxjab roll
jab electricity>bd.fierce>s.jabxjab roll
chunli, yun ,yan: b.strong>d.fierce>s.jab>d.fierce>s.jab xjab electricity
Q remy makoto:(b.strong >bd.fierce)x2> b.strongxjab electricity
alex :s.jab x4>s.strong
urien, hugo :
(s.jab>bd.fierce) x2>s.jabxjab electricity
s.jab>bd.fiercex4>b.forward // this is very hard
dudley , 12: b.strong>bd.fierce>(s.jab>bd.fierce)x2

ex-mobes combo :b.strong>exflying viper >b.strong> exrising cobra>s.jab x jab electricity
work in:urien ,chun, shotos,12

stun after a corner grab

s.jab > b.strong x3 >bd.fierce>s.jab x jab roll
s.strong > s.jab> bd fierce >s.jabx jab roll
Q remy makoto:
(bd.fierce >b.strong)x3 xjab electricity
(pino AB7combo) s.jab> (b.strong>bd.fierce)x2>s.short> bd.fierce
alex , hugo :s.strong >(bd fierce)x3
chun :
s.strong> b.strong>d.fierce> s.jab x jab electricity
(s.jab >b fierce)x3
ibuki, oro, yun yan : s.strong>s.fierce
12, necro: (bd.fierce>s.jab)x3xjab electricity

stun after a corner jab roll

shotos,necro,dudley,12,urien: (bd.fierce>s.jab)x2 jab roll
makoto,Q,remy: (bd.fierce>b.strong)x2 jab roll
yun,yan,ibuki,oro,chun: b.strongx2>s.fierce

stun after a corner b.fierce


stun after a mid screen b.fierce

all:b.strong>exflying viper >bd fierce
??:jab>b.strong>fierce flying viper

**stupid combos **

hugo, alex, urien: (corner)bd fiercex6>b.forward
chun, elena, oro, yun, yan, ibuki:(near of corner) grab>sa3(1hit)
hugo: jab roll>s.fierce
Q: jab roll>s.strong
Q:(stunned sa3) (s.jab>exflying viper)x2>bd fierce
chun: (corner) fierce electricity(3hits)xx sa3(1hit) c.roundhouse
chun: (stunned corner grab) (s.jab>d.forward)x3

(midscreen): jab roll >sa3
alex, oro (all hits)
shotos, yun,yan , (one hit)
remy(2 hits and you can >sa3 1hit)

reserved x1