You have no idea how bad cf is getting with this shit. Fucking freaks made it their second home.
Those are crimes! Blasting music violates noise ordinances. Drugs like grass are illegal. The above mentioned are more concrete actions instead of standing in one place for no apparent purpose.
The fucking kids from the local high school, they were in a big ass line paying for food right? That’s the only thing that would make you late. Unless those kids were crowding around the counter talking shit to their boys who worked at the place. That would surely be clogging the arteries of commerce and would be an obstruction to business. Yet once again the hypothetical ‘shittalkingtodaboysatMcDeezy’ scenario is a employee management problem more than a loitering problem (still would be a loitering issue FA SHO…as long as the kids didn’t have McDeezy bags in their hands).
From the bit you said it doesn’t sound like a loitering issue it that sounds like a lunch rush snafu. But I took your anecdote and ran a marathon.
bottom line: I’m a bum and I wanna stand up for the bums. There aren’t enough public spaces where people can gather without the main interest of spending money. I pay all these taxes and I am vexed over the all the dang parks closing after dark. These dumb kids, the dirty bums, the bored creepers they loiter in front of a shop because there is a shortage of public space. In my shitty hipster liberal heart l feel there should be coin operated shower machines on the streets for bums like me. In my naive mind I think pretty places to meet and do nothing in are essential to building communities.reality time: But we all know what happens when a park is open after dark. You end up finding used condoms on the swingsets and dirty syringes stashed in the tire swing. snitches get shanked and people get raped.
It isn’t the park’s fault:shake:
When you say cf im assuming you mean california, so just a question out of curiosity: Do people act weird like this?
Yes, the laws are needed. I used to loiter a lot in parks and parking lots with friends into the wee hours of the morning back in the day. It definitely made the area less… hospitable. No one was doing heroin or sacrificing goats but it really wasn’t necessary. I don’t think a bit of pot smoking is a problem but still, there really is no reason to just be there and all you’re causing is blight.
I think the solution here is to eat children for lunch.
It was like a way cleaner 7-11 huh? When I was staying at my friends crib in Arcadia we used to go there all the time to pick up weird ass snacks… That shit was dope lol…
I don’t like walking into the local BlockBuster with a bunch of kids hanging around near the door, wondering if they are going to try to rob/jump/harass me upon entering or leaving the place.
Loitering should be illegal and should be treated as a very serious crime.
Not because I don’t like loiterers, I’m trying to become a master criminal but I’m too lazy to actually commit real crimes.
I don’t ee a problem with it in parks. Thats what them shits is or. Most other places…eh if they are getting in the way then sure…if not meh. Leave em the fuck alone they aren’t hurtin no one.
Loitering isn’t a crime because there is no injury.