i preferred the se(ce) over the te myself, but i’m a desktop player and i truly prefer a smaller case.
Personally I like the black on black design a little better. I’m probably gonna vinyl dye the sides of my TE pretty soon.
Anyways, congrats on your new stick, hope you enjoy it.
That’s actually the same reason lol. I have a modded SE with sanwa/sem for x360 and a standard TE from frys for ps3. The TE is way too huge for a computer desk. It’s awkward on a lap. it’s awkward on the floor. It’s good for a table. End of story.
I have a SE stick modded and HRAP 3. Both good sticks but I sometimes go for the SE because it’s more compact and fits better on your lap. I feel the weight is about the same as well.
Funny thing is, I thought I would hate the button layout on the hori but I prefer it over the viewlix layout. Never tried the TE, but that thing looks huge and doesn’t seem that comfortable to play on your lap. Though on a table I’m sure it’s very close to the arcade feel.
Also, enjoy the stick. I <3 mine.