
It’s her A-groove custom combo. You can only do it in A-groove when your meter is 100% full. Activate with HP+HK. This puts you in a state where you can pretty much cancel anything into anything, but your meter will slowly deplete. When it’s empty, you go back to normal. Doing a super any time during your activated mode will instantly deplete the bar to zero.

i’m having a hard time shosho to the left. to the right i can naturally roll my qcf with my hand but when its to the left i tend to do individual motions which i end up messing up.

Shoshosho is one of the reasons why I stopped playing CVS2… =/ Anywho, I wonder if the type of stick you own makes a big difference. Say having an agetec ball top or the other style my be the difference…

Im just getting better at shosho and the difference is in how tight I keep the quater circle motion. I make the radius very small and usually buffer it. One other key is tempo. I use her voice to to tell me the tempo when pros do it.

sho sho sho sho sho sho sho …sho