Sho Nuff's Dojo - SF 4 & CvS2 Weekly Tournaments

whoa. Came up looking forward to playing Friday.

:lol: we were playing SF4 and TvC last week. For this week I’m not sure yet but I’ll ask Jixxer and see what’s up. :cool:

So hows it looking for tomorrow?

Yea yea, I built a new stick I wanna show everybody… casuals at least? plz?

i hope ya’ll taking care of those 2 ps2 sticks i let you borrow :X

Did anything happen yesterday? D: Called but no one picked up.

Naw, nothing.

You Guys play TvC here on a regular basis?

Well maybe next time. Later Sho Nuff.

If you guys are gonna do another get together I am more then willing to bring a Wii and Game if you want another set up for TvC

:lol: there was nothing last week. Jixxer was out of town. Not sure if there is one this week but I’ll ask. O also check the el macho pichu thread (or something like that) casuals every tuesday. Yea I want to play some people in Tatsunoko vs Capcom too. I just got it recently. :pleased:

So any news?

yea, for reals.

I’m looking for some east bay action. Anything going on tonight?

I heard from someone that they are still remodeling or something along those lines.

Kinda wish you told us about that instead of us thinking if we are able to head out or not…

Check out El Machu Picchu thread for East Bay Casuals on Tuesdays

:lol: not sure what’s up exactly but definitely check out tuesdays at Grimmz :bgrin:

what up guys. I’m a newcomer to the forums, and I basically joined to find some local friendlies/events! I cant seem to find any close by my location (650/415). this seems like the closest location i’ve found so far… Are there any updates on it??? is it still going on strong???

I play SF4 btw.

Look for everyone looking for games, its goes down every tuesday at GRIMMZ a.k.a El Machu Picchu so please peep the thread and ask if you can get in this is the place to level up or really really get discouraged so test yo might bustaz.

So I’m thinking about having casuals at my place on fridays. Here’s the thread: