I wonder who’d win, Shin Sakura or Koryu Seth…
Wow people are so
Seriously, you people are so damn quick to hate it’s ridiculous. You guys remind me of those try hard MLG kids on xbox live who only play custom games with MLG rules so they can feel like they’re up there with the big boys then never attend an event in their lives.
Anyways nice work man, very creative. I like the outfit and everything (Although when you put Shin Sakura I was really hoping it was a remake of how she looked/played in mvc2 but I guess that would be hard since that game used 2-d sprites).
Also the aerial rave thing is crazy lol.
Yun now has a counter? But seriously, I mean if you had fun doing this then power to you lol, dunno why so many people getting so angry over a mod that you just do for fun.
Btw did you post this on Team Liquid? Or did someone from TL copy your post haha
Hehe, good stuff. She looks serious OP, though, lols!