Such a positive outlook on life lol
Good thing you don’t go to my uni, I’ve been stuck in elevators 5 times. Also been stuck on a roller coaster once.
Everything about him scares me to death. Mostly his movies, though.
Wow, people in this thread would hate my house, I have like 20 redback spiders living in the old cubbyhouse in my backyard.
I don’t like bees/wasps/hornets. I don’t like bugs that get pissed off and chase and swarm. Fucking assholes.
Fuckin Spiders, bees, Wasps and these weird ass killer bugs that look like animals and shit. I get nervous with heights, but Spiders have me just freaking out (especially those Australian ones)
Never saw a post like this that screams ‘‘Emo’’ so much.
No offense, but do your parents have regret raising you? I would if I had a kid that has a outlook to life like that.
Heights, bugs and public speaking
oh god THIS ^^
everytime i see somebody opening a beer bottle using their teeth i fucking cringe its disgusting. ive chipped my teeth a few times as welland thats horrible too.
i love abseiling too. i dont mind rock climbing so much (i just suck at it mainly) im fine with that because im strapped into a harness that is totally secure at the top. ive even done skydiving and bungee jumping too and loved that also. if i had a big crash mat under the ladder i would likely be fine too. with this job as well though i would be working alone for days at a time too so if i fell i am basically totally fucked and may not be found for hours. i ran the scenario of me going up the ladder multiple times last night and did not see a good out come in any of them.
Not sure if it’s a phobia but I’m kind of paranoid about bugs crawling into my ears while I sleep. This fear stems from the occasions I’ve stayed up late in the summer wearing nothing but boxers and seeing a bigass spider skitter at light speed across my bed, and than think “damn if I was sleeping now THAT would be on my body”.
This, word for word.
And roaches. I’m not really bothered by most insects, but fuck roaches.
Anything that explodes or that I feel has the ability to explode/loud noises. (Empty Water bottle, balloon, fireworks) Fuck, a firework blew up near my face when I was 3. Not cool. Fuck 4th of July. Fuck Mexico.
Fire, I don’t like using matches and don’t like gas stoves over fear of me burning myself and having fire blow up in my face.
Bugs. They are obviously from another planet.
anything wriggly, like maggots, worms, caterpillars. I freak out like mad ha ha
Anything that sucks/drains blood. Not particularly fond of blood and nudity (individually is fine, but can’t do em both at once).
A fear of multiple clusters of holes and craters. It makes my skin crawl and holy shit I have the worst hyperventilation sessions. Legitimate fear.
I have like NO phobia lol. honestly cant think of anything.
maybe ‘relationships’ but dont know if that counts. whenever any girl tries to get serious with me I bail and pretend to be ‘busy’ with other things.
maybe social situations. but alcohol assist take care of that.
Deep water.
For some reason if I stand over a body of water, and I know how deep it is I get an uneasy feeling.
No. In fact they’re quite proud of me. I’ve served honorably in the military for 4 years, graduated summa cum laude in college, and now I’m working on my master’s degree in psychology. I’m a therapist intern at a house for abused women and children. After I get my master’s I’m going back in the Air Force to have them pay for my PhD. There I hope to work with troops suffering from PTSD.
‘Emo’ would be me doing nothing but sitting around feeling sorry for myself.
I believe a spiritual existence is superior to a physical one, but we must endure the trials of life in order to gain wisdom first. So for me death is a reward that sets you free from the trials of life. This isn’t a unique view. Buddhists for example expressly state that ‘life is pain’, but it is necessary in order to gain wisdom. I can see the necessity of something without liking it. I can still partake in something I don’t like because I see the future value of my endeavors.
I know that I cannot save the world, but I do the best I can with what I have. I know that my time here is limited. I have accepted these things because they are beyond my control. I wish things could be different, but there is no sense in stressing myself over things beyond my means. I focus on the few things that are within my control and move on.
No offense, but have you ever been to a third world country? Have you ever been to a warzone? Have you ever seen the world and how governments operate without the censorship of the media? From my viewpoint, the fact that I haven’t just curled up into a ball and completely given up on life is a testament to how opposite I am to the word ‘emo’. I’m not trying to say my experiences are somehow more significant than yours, but I feel you have a distinct lack of empathy in calling me ‘emo’.
The world has its ups and downs, but I find most people who exalt the world have little experience seeing it outside their immediate surroundings that have been there for most of their life. It limits your perspectives. Focusing just on the good is ignoring the truth just as much as only focusing on the bad. I recognize there is good in this world, but it doesn’t offset my experiences enough to make me want to cling to this existence.
I feel most people cling to life because it is all they know, and think that anyone who doesn’t share that view is obviously imbalanced. I’ve accepted the inevitability of death. Ultimately, there will come a day when you will be dead. And chances are, you will join the literal trillions of nameless people who weren’t spectacular enough to make a place in history. But the ripples of your deeds will still quietly spread despite the fact no one will realize how you’ve influenced their existence. And there will come a day when there is no more human history at all. Dust in the wind.
Is that thought scary to you? For most it is. For me it is peaceful. I’ve gotten over feeling stressed towards death and look forward to a greater existence. Death is simply another aspect of life, and if you refuse to have harmony with it all you’re going to do is bring more misery upon yourself.
So I have to ask you, what is ‘Emo’ about my views? If you’re going to slap me with a label at least back up your opinion.
Flawless Victory ^
So 3 is in your comfort zone, but you just can’t deal with 5.