SFxT v2013: Paul Changes

I already tried some “setups” with the Mortar and even bad/average players can beat it if they know this move.

Sway to mortar, a cross up MK, some strings and a Mortar… a reset after hiting your opponent, on meaty, it’s sooooo slow, very easy to react and beat it.

Best way to use it is to use it from time to time to surprise your opponent, don’t get predictable with it.

Well I’m ALREADY doing light sway into mortar punch ^^’

Don’t really know how many frames it will be, but you cancel you’re cr.HP/cr.MP/cr.MK or whatever into sway (leaving them in blockstun) and you cancel you’re sway into mortar punch. So when they are trying to crouch tech I’m already canceling my sway into mortar punch or something like that.
I don’t necessarily need to punish my opponent on their recovery frames I just need to be able to land it for applying further pressure (+3 on block).
It will also depend on the tendencies of your opponent. It won’t work against people who like to do standing attacks for example but it might work against people who use crouching attacks a lot, since Paul is now considered airborn.

I’ve also been thinking about light sway x phoenix smasher, but I’m afraid that crouch techs will stuff phoenix smasher. He lunges forward before he actually attacks…or is the lunging part also considered as active frames ?

Also been thinking about light sway x scissor kick but that’s a bit risky lol, like I’ve said it depends on the tendencies of your opponent really.

smasher barely gets stuffed. that’s what’s so good about it. worst case is that you trade with a limb, which will be still highly in your favor.
the lunge is part of its start up frames, meaning once lunged, there is a 7F(!) long active hitbox in the face of your opponent. also, now that all smashers are equally bad on block, there is no reason to not use lp / mp version depending on spacing. lp smasher, and if your opponent sticks out a limb, good night. then again, you need a good distance already. so a spaced c.mk xx sway might be required to whiff attack.
meaty smasher could also bring huge damage if timed properly. we’ll need to find setups for that. after a smasher, jump forward, hp smasher was one afair. now that roll is punishable, using the lp version instead or something could beat out a roll attempt too.

Wow I wrote all that a month ago about 2013 changes in the main topic and this was here all along. I wonder if anything I said is worth moving here for discussion…

All theses changes are most welcome especially the Raze buff, I agree with ya zUkUu the mortar smash needs a start-up buff since theres one big problem when trying to end combos safely, I kinda don’t want to say because then everyone will know…

Aww yeah another Paul player.

At the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary UK event this weekend I was able to get some time in on a v2013 setup and I’m really looking forward to Paul when it’s released. Wasn’t able to test everything, but a couple of things stood out. lk.shredder is such an amazing anti-air it’s unbelievable, beats out any jump-ins free and I was able to get a cr.mp, cr.mk xx smasher afterwards.
His movement speed has been improved from what I could tell. It’s not drastic but I felt more comfortable positioning myself, I’d say it’s probably around Cody speed. Throws being improved and chain normals being quite a bit less safe on block works in Paul’s favour, plus a 5f cr.lk makes empty jump into lows more viable.
The health recovery from a tagged out character is so slow now, you really have to keep them tagged out for quite a while to get a good chunk of health back. I think Paul’s already hard to get in on if you mix up sway, nj.hk and cr.hp, but adding lk.shredder and a meter stocked for Alpha Counter, he should be a brick wall.
Didn’t get to test it, but if it’s true that no characters can combo after an Alpha Counter then that is so awesome. I’m looking at you Rufus and Cody.

Btw the changelog says that Paul’s walkspeed is now the same as Ken’s, and his forward dash was buffed (and to an extent backdash with buffed sway).

Damn I really really wish I had time on a 2013 machine, there’s so freaking much I’d like to test with Paul and Bob. I want to know if LP Swayxxmove can be reactioned to rolls and punish their recovery. Also new oki setups involving Sway because you can backdash (and be safe to DPs) or predict their wakeup attack and stuff it with the appropriate shredder. The new comboability of Raze I’d leave to someone else, but I am sure it is nice. Also, if the combination of faster forward dash and threat of CH Smasher makes the linked c.hpxxEXCADC Smasher, f.mp/df.HK a whole lot scarier (I think it is going to be a mad important mixup), or much less likely if threat of 230 CH smasher allows Paul to store counterhits without meter where other characters shouldn’t (which would again make him really scary).

good to hear about shredder, almost too good if you ask me. tekken cast went from mediocre at anti air to godlike - lol.

tell me how the razes are now - is every version like ex, so you can combo c.hp etc afterwards?

So the walk speed true? sweet :slight_smile: To bad I couldn’t see some 2013 game play, the stream was pretty wonky :frowning:

roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo? :<


Paul got his walkspeed buff.

I’d wish they’d show that god damn raze, since I RO I left us in the dust. >_>
Also, sadly they didn’t showed anything for his front walk, it’s rare that you walk backwards that much with him.

new changes! :smiley:

Now that, that all seems useful. I mean as you said we should never be able to hit with Mortar but now if we do we will likely get a heckuva lot more out of it.

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Don’t forget about crouching HP increased hitbox! Now Paul will be a brick wall when it comes to people trying to get in on him :slight_smile:

yes now it’s actually a pretty decent tool for the risk / reward ratio it offers. 130 damage + combo follow up? yes please. I dunno about being airborne tho. that gives a mixup utility on wakeup as you can’t be thrown out, but I dunno if you will be counter hit when you get stuffed and thus will be in floating state now; if that’s the case, the risk also got increased. that’s one of the first things I’ll test.

hk shredder change is uninteresting. it’s a combo only move now as before and therefore the startup doesn’t really play a role.
ex shredder 7 frames is awesome tho. I bet the invin frames won’t stay 1-11F tho, will be most likely reduced to 1-8F. now paul has actually a somewhat decent reversal! and we have a use for ex meter other then ex smasher.

paul might jump the list a bit, depending how the changes of the others play out. the ex shredder buff alone makes paul ALOT more viable, since he’s not free on wakeup anymore. with rolls nerfed, characters without proper wakeup options will have a hard time.

Characters without wakeup options like him will be in trouble, but few on the roster have as strong an oki as Paul. So like, just never get knocked down and you’ll be fine.

It’s like how Bob is incredibly badass as long as you do not get pressured.

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well now we have a reversal. :smiley:

I honestly think Pauls gonna gonna be great after the update and very fun to play with his new additions.