SFxT v2013: Paul Changes

2 days to go!

Less than 30 hours to go! (hopefully)

I think I’m actually going to wake up very early to try out 2013 b4 I gotta leave on Tuesday.

A little more, bro! Then Paul will be the best fighter in the universe for real! :smiley:

Just tested him out in training mode and my god, why does he deals so much damage !!??
The cl.HP really wasn’t necessary, and apparently scissor kick has more juggle points, it’s the same as mountain raze but deals more damage.

I think we’re gonna see a lot of Pauls in the future >.>

I’m deleting my post in frame data thread and pasting stuff here cuz this thread is more appropriate.

Change 1:
Phoenix Smasher got its juggle potential increased from 4 to 5. Now you can do in the corner: Raze -> cr.MP*3 -> cr.HP -> PS

Change 2:
Shredder juggle point changes:
After LK, MK, HK Shredder on a ground opponent, you can connect with a medium strength attack. After EX Shredder on a ground opponent, you can connect with a fierce strength attack.

It looks like the first hit of LK/MK/HK Shredder adds 1 juggle point, the second hit doesn’t add juggle point, and the last hit adds 2.
For EX, the first hit adds 1 juggle point, the second hit adds 1, and the last hit adds 2. All three hits seems to have a juggle potential of 5.

Change 3 - about those with “recovery on hit reduced”:
Well, to be exact, recovery is reduced on all hit, block and whiff. There is one huge thing that is changed tho: blockstun.
For example, cr.HP got its recovery reduced by a huge amount (now has a recovery of 20f instead of 32f… this is kept on block and whiff as well!), but its blockstun got reduced by 12f as well, basically giving it a blockstun of a whopping 7f (this is shorter than a jab! I stand corrected on this one; never thought they would reduced blockstun to be this short). This kept cr.HP on block to be -16 or somewhere around there. I only tested this and MP sway, but I’m pretty sure this was applied to others as well. A bright side is that it’s very hard to react to such a short blockstun and that it stays much safer on whiff.

Change 4 - EX Mortar on juggle:
Before patch, if you used EX Mortar on juggled opponent, it would add juggle point by 3, disabling any follow-ups. After patch, if you use EX Mortar on juggle, it would add juggle point only by 1, making such a thing possible: Raze -> jab -> EX Mortar -> medium attack (the combo was just to show the change). On the regular one, it would add juggle point by 2 instead of 3.

Change 5 - Combos & links:
With the change in PS, we can put one more hit between Raze and PS! I’m still trying to find where I can put one tho.

cl.st.HP into cr.MP link works for sure.
CH far st.HP doesn’t crumple on crouching opponents, but can link into cr.MP.

Oh and Super Arts got its juggle potential increased to 6, the highest in any of Paul’s arsenal! (PS is 5)

I’ll add these in the hidden changes thread. I also found another kinda hidden buff: CH Hammer Punch allows you to combo the entire Hang Over string into Demoman, the change list only mentioned this for Bone Breaker.

I’m not sure but I think I did Cl.HP x scissor kick, bound (f.mp), st.HP x Phoenix Smasher for some big damage. You could also do another Scissor kick instead of bound (f.mp) and then do super for easier big damage lol. I haven’t tested other characters out yet, but seriously, Paul seems a bit too strong.

I don’t know what the properties of his light scissor kick are, but another thing that worries me is that it does 3 hits on block making it safe if u TAG cancel it. This means that Paul will be one of the only character that can still TAG cancel of a reversal and be safe…


Yes, f.mp bounds the opponent to the ground.

you didn’t wrote f.mp - that’s why I asked. :stuck_out_tongue: I did think you meant it, but he has more then one tool to ground bounce now, so I wanted to make sure.

Yeah I initially wrote f.mp but then changed it to bound, because It’s probably not necessary to do f.mp, the opponent just needs to be in a bounded state.
He probably can’t use other tools instead of f.mp in THAT particular combo tho, but u get my point :smiley:

For some reason SRK won’t give the message that I edited my post, maybe a glitch/change on the forums ?

Actually you can^^ best 2 meter combo so far.

[582] cl.hp xx HK Shredder, cl.hp xx MP Mortar, Super

and yeah, the forum was glitching the hell out the past hour.

Yeah. This works because the elbow part of Hang Over got an extra 2 frames of hitstun, and the df+HK part of overhead string did not knock the opponent down in the first place.

I doubt many ppl will bandwagon the new Paul. His combo damage is awesome, and his CH game is insane, but his ground-to-ground game is still below par even with the new walkspeed. He is definitely out of the bottom of the tier list tho.

…I enjoy this new Paul. Teach me his universal ways.

Sway light & Medium I will be using it more (dunno the on block frames), Mortar and Raze as well, are any of these safe on block or does Paul have no way to get in and stay in, including frame traps?

Sway light & Medium I will be using it more (dunno the on block frames), Mortar and Raze as well, are any of these safe on block or does Paul have no way to get in and stay in, including frame traps?

Mortar is +3 on block if I’m not mistaken.

And so it begins…

To be fair…Capcom took away my Dive Kick reset with Nina/Lili so it kind of fucked up some of my team synergy and I’m not feeling Law as much as I thought I did. I already have Poison for Lili so I needed SOMEONE with Nina. Paul seems to fit the bill well. But I know nothing of his neutral game.

Well now u understand why I used the word bound instead of f.mp :smiley: