SFV PC Custom Skin Mod Thread(NO mod requests)

skin editing only. send me a pm or add me on steam. Im releasing my stuff after release bc im pretty sure capcom is going to change stuff and I have to start over.



Can we get a regular uniform Ryu with a beard and badass scars?

I’m not sure why Capcom went with green hand wraps and average schmo hair when they gave him the beard in the Pre-Release costume

I already did bearded ryu no scars tho.

It looked good but needs scars!

It shouldnt be that hard. Ill try it.

My mods woked on the retail game! Cant test online cuz…game doesnt work of course. Should work anyways.

just curious how do you install the custom skins :confused:

Now that the game is out, you all can stop hiding at the other forum and post some shieet :^)

@Trife88 : unfortunately it’s not that simple, as the pak system seems to be different in the final release compared to beta 1 to 4. And of course the internal file hierarchy could have changed too, as it did between betas.

Put simply : no way to unpak = no way to use unpaked files as opposed to paked files = no way to override them with custom edits. So from there, no way to even use previous mods until this is figured out. Not to mention that the presence of unpacked files could probably be detected by an anti cheat system I suppose, but that’s another topic of course.

UE4 should be easy to tinker with compared to SFIV’s engine. I hope… I assume…

does anybody know if wiki like http://aemods.pbworks.com/w/page/41161851/Ultra%20Street%20Fighter%204%20Modding%20Wiki will be maintained by anybody?


what do u mean? I unpacked and my bearded ryu and ken works

I wont post my mods in here and if I do on sftx mods Ill put a password on it. Thank siegfried and carter for that. Since Ive reported both to @d3v and he didnt do anything.

@hecz : Odd ! I was unable to unpack stuff on my end as the quickbms script failed and then placing beta4 edited color files in their original locations didn’t work for me either - which led me to assume that either the colorization system changed or that the XXX character codes were different now. Maybe some things changed and some didn’t ?

For me, it’s not a problem, I can live with or without your mods,
I can live with or without you in the forum. the only problem here. your never going to get over !!!.

Para mí, no es un problema, puedo vivir con o sin tus mods,
puedo vivir contigo o sin ti en el foro. el unico problema aqui es. que tu nunca lo vas a superar!!!.

I’m super disappointed that the Steam Workshop thing apparently isn’t actually a thing. At least not at launch or discussed for the future. Missed opportunity. I mean they could have done something like TF2 does where some stuff from the workshop Capcom contacts the author to work out adding it to official game as a premium costume. And they can get someone to moderate the stuff to prevent putting on premium outfits, not that it would matter THAT much since it’d be client side only.

I can understand why they didn’t do it, just sad they didn’t work to find a way that would make everyone happy. :confused:

i have no idea about ongoing drama but if there is another place where sfv mods are posted i’d like to know


If you need the unpacker shoot me a PM

here I leave the instructions and programs

open SFVUnpacker give you quickbms

open quickbms

step 3
select script SF5_pak_extractor

step 4
select you pak you want unpack

save the unpak
Where you want



Thanks man - that does confirm that things are slightly different now (new quickbms script) - it all makes sense !

question someone know where too find the tutorial and tool too mods the character music ? thank you