SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains


I gotta admit the fact that Capcom made us mad for teases and seeing symbolism where it is or isn’t is fun. We’re such masochists.


If yellow means Oro, all is forgiven.

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I SEE IT, there’s a figure of a female character there, part of her face, look at where it’s darker upper mid to the right, that’s her eye and eyebrow. I don’t know who she is though as I’m not familiar with past street fighter characters.

Meanwhile, Fallout 76 got niggas out here acting a fool.


The confetti also tells me that good girl Menat is gonna stay good in S4

'Cause…I dunno that’s just what I wanna believe

-High ranking player joins your lobby but doesn’t use their main like I’m some subhuman
-No I just don’t really care anymore about the game but I GOT YOU
-Troll them until they say fuck it and go main
-They end mind fucked like if someone took the wheel for me
-You proceed to fuck their main up the cooter viciously and victoriously


I thought I could see shadows in the confetti like one of those magic eye things, but it’s probably just bullshit.

I see those shadows too but I’d rather wait a month than take a Rorschach test.

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Can confirm that the character will have shitty normals and incredible V trigger.


Yun would be an excellent opener for season 4: no height restriction divekicks, comboable command grab, Genei Jin 2-bar V-trigger, positive on block EX lunge… after honestly good for losing S3 it would mean proper high tier characters to play SF the way the FG gods intended.

But yeah, that confetti means nothing.

To think it was only seven years ago that the Twins were added to SFIV, and they were made purposely overpowered to be “villains” so that the community could band together to try and beat them, lol.

Capcom learned their lesson. I think that was the start of the Twitter complain era…

Remember when everyone complained about Yun’s EX lunge being too fast and safe on block being the most bullshit thing in the game.

Then they made SF5.


Aren’t those rose petals in the confetti?

I just see red confetti

The hint isn’t the colors. The hint is the shadow in Ono’s pic of the confetti. Bottom right is a person holding their arm straight up. Rest of it is a scarf or ribbon from their hand.

Capcom likes silhouettes…

All of you are wrong. It’s an optical illusion. If you cross your eyes hard enough you can see that it’s Ingrid with her hair down next to Elena

He had problems getting in tho

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Like Balrog.

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This teaser, wow, can’t wait for S4 now!!!