SFV Lounge: No News after the grass, 10K POWERRRRRRR

Forgot people just mash jab and jump or dash in neutral. I’m remembering why I dont find this game fun



Did you still want to play? I’m ready.


What is your CFN?

Oh shit sorry, forgot my username changed lol.

Tag is Flighflighflugit

I remember you!


Connection good?


Try pressing your advantage a bit more. You back up a bit too much.

Literally dont know any combos or meaties so I just get jabbed out of everything atm

Yeah but you can still walk forward and hit plus on block buttons.

I only mention it because I’m guilty of it too.

Whew the rust is real.

I pretty much have to rely on basic shoto shit lol.

You never crouch block and just walk out of my buttons lol

Who do you main?

No one

Haven’t played in years

Keep forgetting the changed juris special to punches loo

I know this is a stupid question, but I wonder if anyone here managed to get something good like a costume in the free read in fortune teller?

I’m pretty sure I got the “like Mike” or whatever it’s called costume for boxer in the fortune reader but that’s about it the rest were colors I stopped using it because it seems like all it wants to give us survival items.

I only get the lame gallery entries smh