So you take his trolling (Frost) seriously, but not the praise he’s given you?
Lol nobody here does that you hate yourself either way. Don’t try and drag this community down by saying they bully you because we all put up with your shitty mental attitude towards improvement and try to make you change.
That’s fucked up. I expect better of you.
Trash talk has been a core part of gaming competition since forever. Trash talk grows bonds, gives you mental toughness and just shows you’re having a good time. It’s no different when siblings trash talking each other, but you still love em.
Trash talk ain’t ruining shit when it comes to the FGC. That’s some weak shit squigga.
The irony that you come from smash when smashers are some of the biggest shit talkers.
Fixed. It’s hardly just a gaming thing.
Most of what occurs on this site and other places isn’t really even trash talk.
It’s just giving each other shit, which is actually a friendly exercise.
Ban @Vhozite
Bloody Capcom hitting me on my weak spots.
I will have to remember Sakura’s frame traps and optimal combos to play her on my PC account.
Today i’m looking at Hit and Hurtbox interactions and moves that give me a headache.
I found out that my anti-air button is super small.
(It isn’t that’s a forward moving HeadInvul (means can’t be hit by air attacks) AA, that covers a giant space in front, above and duo to the movement even behind her.)
Frankly, most people here always gave you legit advice and positive feedback, which you adamantly refused. Every single time.
So here’s another piece of advice I’ll give you, whether you like it or not.
Learn to recognize progress and get out of that depressing cycle of only recognizing mistakes and feeling like shit because of it.
Seriously, at the end of the day, a FG is still a game, you’re supposed to have some fun too. Positive emotions won’t suddenly turn you into a little bitch.
I understand that some people dislike trash talking, but not only that doesn’t happen to you here, but it’s also a legit bonding mechanism, for as you can observe, some people here are good friends even if they shit on one another all the time.
You looked unfair and ungrateful, to say the least, with that post. Stop being so hard on yourself all the time.
No can do!
They gave her a super cute party dress! And made it very clear on it that she has B cups.
Capcom hit all my weak spots there. It is unfair!
Poor Gief is going to take another break while I try to make out of gold with Sakura and into diamond with Falke.
Leave Gief behind, there is only one Grappler worth playing in all of FGs.
You can become a member of the Potemkin Church today!
Join us and start your journey to churn the butter for the real soviet damage!
I’m honestly curious to see how Bea would react to good Potemkin play.
She could actually drop SFV.
Goro Daimon, Clark Steel, Shermie, Gryphon Mask all want to have a word with you.
And Gief is damn worthy playing. But right now I am seriously failing my heterosexuality test and wanting to play Sakura.
Let’s be real, among the big fighting games right now.
Geras is the grappler to fear, not Pot. Arksys will never let Pot be AC good again.
Other fun grapplers include Tager, Thunder, Abel, Broly.
Tager ain’t that fun. Pot at least has a solid kit, even after the nerfs.
From what little I’ve seen of Waldstein, he seems pretty cool too.
As long as FAB makes people cry for their mommys Pot won’t be buffed.
But who knows what the next GG brings.
Also yeah Tager is fun, especially in a mirror with both Tagers magnetized.
They’re all frauds compared to this beauty, he even does Yoga:
FAB is a wizard or something. He is to Pot what Punk is to Karin. No one can do what he does.
Also, wanna give props to Kan-Ra and Glacius from KI. They are a very interesting twist on grapplers in that they make the trap range, long range, rather than up close.
Xrd Pot will always be the most fun grappler to me.
Just YRC ICPM and fly across the screen brehs.
Actually… 16 is pretty damn fun too.
Nah, the moment Karin got nerfed a bit Punk got scured. He doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to stick to his main, who is universally bottom tier at times, and still get a 70% win rate.
Last time I checked FAB had 80% winrate.
There is also a huge philosophy difference when it comes to Grappler.
Since Pot and Tager too, have trouble dealing with Pressure and need a high knowledge to survive getting rushed down, add to that that their moves are fucking slow and you have a recipe for characters SF Grappler mains won’t easaly adapt to.
Here are some FAB matches I found btw: