SFV Lounge: No News after the grass, 10K POWERRRRRRR

You are half right.

How would you know? You wear glasses

I know everything.

Real talk Frost isnt even black. If im not a community support officer in 10 years im pulling the race card.


Except how to play SF or beat me :man_shrugging:t4:

Don’t drag race into this.

Being black is not an excuse for playing Vega.

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Are there even enough posters in the Vega subsection that you need ban powers?

If you just want to edit posts and clean it up, thats one thing. But I am extremely weary of people getting full blown powers like that.

Lol its a ghost town. It was a tongue and cheek comment but the ability to clean up would actually be nice.

Yall wack niggas picked the neighborhood crackhead over the uptown super model. Hope yall niggas get crabsand scratch yourselves to death. Jin feeling that american 4 year and thousands of games master rank a bit too much.

I was never even of the opinion that highland was a great knowledgeable poster… but he was funny, everyone else loved him and he was a damn supernova of awesomeness compared to ciphers matchstick of mediocrity.
Yall niggas fucking up. Syfe should at least get a temp (find something else to do) ban since the nigga dowsnt like sf5 Or Sf4… why in the fuck is he even here? I hate sf5 but i still play it wih the homies and on discord. Cipher is literally here just to piss in niggas corn flakes and apple juice. Get a fucking grip.


But Vega is the fastest character in the game :thinking:

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Is Perthi almost master yet :confused:

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I dunno. Maybe he’ll get there before you or Highland does.

You have to be in approx. the top 2300 accounts online (a few probably clone/smurf accounts) to get there. Good luck. Ya’ll are playing higher tier characters than the one I was playing (minus Highland) so you can do it.

Come back @HighlandFireball please :frowning:

I need that sweet match critique

…when I get around to recording

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So vho is trying to catch hands. :thinking:

I got you dude.

I hate SFIV and SFV too. Do I get the boot cause niggas like to play shitty games?


You’ll only get banned if you hate SF EX 3

@shinjigohan If people talk shit about your game I’ll ban them.

Aight. School year in my district ends on the 23rd of May. So on the 24th, imma buy at least a month of PS+ and go back to grinding.

So you have a massive head start before I get back on it.



Ehh I actually like Cipher’s presence. More than shitting on SFV, he’s doing it on the people here who keep saying how much they don’t like SFV for not having fundamentals / being too aggressive / all unga bunga while still playing it religiously which just exposes them as frauds which don’t care at all about the footsies and all that crap they love to preach. Normally I wouldn’t mind, but when these tsunderes keep asking for nerfs of everything fun and the balance patch actually complies, fuck them. Much better if they actually stopped playing SFV and went to anime, ST or whatever bust their nuts while letting people do crush counters and V triggers at will.


Anti air

