SFV Lounge: I'm still alive. Sakura's alt is kinda cute

Glad to know petro is into MTG too.

Okay so the offline is saved, but it doesn’t answer the REAL question.


Yeah, here’s my issue with your definition. The current technology makes the whole “drag your ass to a local” moot.

Now I’m not saying that this is a good thing by default, everything has positive and negative points.

However, people now band in communities (both in forums or Discord) and play, elevate their game and discuss about it.

Online matches are a core factor of FG sustainability, and some players don’t have local communities or the resources to participate in them.

Despite the awful netcode across the board, FGs are a global thing now, and while I wish everyone could just go to a local and stuff like that, it just doesn’t happen for a variety of reasons.

The whole idea of Online Tournaments by themselves make your point outdated.

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WoTC has made a lot of decisions I wholehartedly disagree with for various reasons.

Got a bimb ass cube that I winston draft with my best friend semi regularly though.

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Damn, between that and one of the other samshos having rollback casually patched in, SamSho might actually come out really good.


What point are you bringing up that I didnt already acknowledge?

FB groups put a lot of stuff upside down. I would have to spend months looking at a lot of stuff to give you a rough idea of where current community participation is working like.

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The point that there’s more to the FGC than the average joe lugging a stick to a local every week.

My whole point is that you can’t dismiss online communities as “not FGC” just because they’re not all gathered irl.

Alright, I see what the issue is, let me fix it for you real quick:

Wrote it with my thumbs and left an important qualifier out. There are people who are FGC who never went to majors or posted on SRK. Similarly there were people who only went to majors and posted on SRK. Then there were people who didn’t have local scenes, couldn’t go to majors but spent time on SRK.

You can replace SRK with DreamCancel, or DustLoop, or 8wayRun, TekkenZaibatsu etc. Before twitter/reddit/facebook, if you weren’t connected to people in the broader national/worldwide dialogue, you weren’t really participating in the FGC. You could’ve been doing FG stuff, but the larger set of activities that turned into the massive thing more or less happened because of that web of communication stretching from arcade word of mouth to online silliness.

If you weren’t a part of it, you weren’t a part of it. I played MvC2 when it released, I played T3 when it released, I played SF2: CE when it released, I played MK2/MK3 etc on release. How much was I actually participating with the community though. Local arcade? yes. People who run First Attack in PR? Probably not at all. I was a non-existent factor in the FGC until 2008 even though I knew a lot of local guys who were participating in it.

Now its weirder because you have those silly Facebook groups that act all sorts of bizarre. So the main cultural lines have gotten sort of wacked out into mush. But yeah, just forgot the qualifier to membership being one of those 3 things as opposed to “doing” all three things.


Wait, if I am part of FGC, I’m cool?


Yeah, fair enough.

Why’d you have to hit me with the nostalgia tho?

Before DustLoop there was a different Guilty Gear website people wouls go to. That website cared more about the story and fluff than gameplay. DL came from members who were in that site and wanted a more FGC focused website.

But sure, arbirtrary.


Blaming Capcom for the flame war is fair because if we had significantly consistent updates, we’d actually have the game to talk about, and fewer things for flaming.

Who am I kidding, it would’ve happened anyway lol


Nothing wrong with Aunt May


No different than participating in any other cultural group.

But its also something you can stop being a part of if you choose to. A lot of people want it to be some sort of weird membership you get the moment you buy a game or watched a stream. Which makes no sense.

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I’m wondering… Can anything be done to raise it from at least zero to 1…? What can the SRK collective to boost that? New rank, booty??!

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Pertho fuck you that’s my shitty chatroom bitch!!!

How is it his fault this places layout sucks fat shit?

The only “clique” is the chatroom. We already scared off the chaff heheheheheheh!!!

I agree

I don’t… wait what??? I don’t know where you are pulling this from. This isn’t even selective memory. If you can pull up at least 5 moments where Frost has done this (non ironically) I’ll retract this.

Soooo like who are these users? I’m legit curious about this.

Frost isn’t prefect Pertho. No one is here. I thought were we are all man (woman) enough to see that? We don’t all agree on everything but that’s perfectly fine. Frost has called me out on stupid shit. I’ve called other people out. I know you feel really strongly about the shooter thing because you’re teacher and I’m not gonna defend that. But you sound extra fucking mad for no damn reason. I like the both of you guys and it’s odd seeing you be this vicious.

Pertho prease don’t make my fee fees hurty poo</3

Given that EVO is still a ways off this thread may hit 10k posts totally on the back of shit talking and waxing about 90s era cartoons. Not complaining about either.



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He’s been pulling a Cipher and just lying through his teeth in a lot of these, I’ll leave him be. Typing false shit and making it sound legit is way too easy online.

Anyway, CoolKid shouted out my Cody video. So that was lovely of him :slight_smile:


I also like your vids. You explain yourself well in them and I often learn something.

So I also appreciate it for what that is worth.

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