SFV Lounge: I'm still alive. Sakura's alt is kinda cute

Not only is this a year old, but Smug kinda played like ass. No way he should’ve been getting clipped by all those fireballs and kinda went ham. First round of the vid he gets vskill punish on air FB and I mostly skimmed, but I don’t think he did it ever again.

Boxer v akuma isn’t a matchup you see often and I’ll happily take my own matchup experience over this. Especially since I think BrianF and Iwate are better boxer players than Smug.

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You’re not even Master, bro.

Why should anybody listen to you?

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Just a hardstuck diamond, my bad. :man_shrugging:t4:

Maybe if the game wasn’t so dry and I didn’t run into Gief every other match I’d grind up.

@ me when Twin makes master, that’ll get me motivated.


And my first SF5 alt is complete. Now I gotta unlock Abigail so I can use him.

VictorVonVroom is on deck.



This shit killed me. Watch until the end


In other news, puppy Jax is still top tier. He’s un-nerfable.



Samurai Shodown is coming out in a few days and it seems like everyone’s making videos of it.

Frame Advantage has a little video with every character and one on the in-game tutorial. I just chose Shiki because of waifu

Spooky’s uploading a few videos from a recent stream as well. They seem pretty good from what I’ve seen.

And we get a little peak of the story/arcade mode. It’s standard fare, all of the cinematic like stuff in the trailers appear to be intros and we get a sneak peak at the final boss.


Story mode? Now I’m hype!

Bla bla played like ass… can be said for any matchup. It’s not an argument.

So Darli isn’t a pirate. That’s a twist.

The banner thing with the console and game name right on top of the story subs was a 0iq move.

To make everything worse, that story run was definitely on Game Journalist difficulty. Not even the full run. Lol

Neither of these is an actual point either… a year old? The game was known well at that time and nothing has significantly changed the matchup with respect to air fireball/jumpin mixup at all.

The v skill punish means little since I didn’t say that akuma got in for free. I simply said that there is a mixup, that GOOD Akumas can use, when used at the right times and distances.

It really don’t matter if Brian or iwate are better, that’s the MU. It’s up to the players to decide how effective or ineffective the strategy is.

Yeah, I’m thinking he’s back


Valid argument when that’s how he was playing. He was just walking into Ex Air FBs like it was his job.

But whatevs, not like I’m the boxer main and know from experience akuma fireballs are not a problem in the matchup.

Should just listen to the almighty non one hit confirming dime who tried to hype up Falke VT2.

Edit: Akuma did eat some demon flip nerfs and boxer got decent buffs.
Matchup is hella even until akuma bulldogs boxer like cammy/Karin and puts him on ass. Then it’s like 6-4.


Akuma air mixup ain’t that strong vs boxer. You make them respect the fact that you’ll fuck em for throwing plasma and they stop doing it. Smug did not do that so he got bodied.


Triple post, but what the fuck ever. Boxer also has one of the best air to airs to use against Akuma with HP. Smug didn’t use it at all.


Gotta love the “DARRLI DUGGA” in the Japanese version of Samurai Shodown.

I’m going to try her out first, really like the multiple hits she does with every cleave of that sawblade.


Shoutouts to “Charurotto VS Assquake” too.


Anyone watched this?

The latest attempt to fill the EA void. I’m gonna check it out later at work.

Holy hell that’s so forced.

Literally the opposite of OG Excellent Adventures where it was just two homies struggling.