SFIV PSN Bad Games Thread!

Wait… you’ve had 151 rage quits?

I don’t think those are quits…

More droppers to expose:

Masamune_Shadow realises his wake up ultras and tiger uppercuts aren’t working -_-

[COLOR=“Red”]Arnamon[/COLOR] drops after 1 round…

karmajunior - wakeup ultra/tiger uppercut gets nothing blahblahblahblah (same usual scrubby reasons)…

Notice a trend here? Droppers are mainly Sagats or people with very high BPs :lame:

FaSho311 - dropper in ranked match (with sagat)

Are you sure? =( I’m so good at this game!

Today is a great day. I had my first DC

Barggio I sent you a message:

Subject - My Apologies


ive faced umthrfkr few times in rank matches, are u sure he dc’d on you on purpose? he seemed like a pretty nice humble fellow.

ADHOC-Sephy - Gets caught off guard as I did a close MK->DP->FADC->Ultra - dropped before it can hit him… loser

cavailere89 - Jesus… he just spams lariat without a brain, to a point I just did psychic shoryuken everytime he attempted it and drops near KO. Told him that dropping is for sore losers, and retaliated with a hilarious excuse.

wow whats funny is Masamune_ Shadow is frmo SRK…

oh btw bad games to some guy name imoutofusernames

oh btw heres my priceless screencap of him losing.

Whats funny is he was talking shit on his mic while getting his ass beat.

Some cat names Burntsmile9999

how do you know hes from SRK?

Also, I think that second guy, judging by the pm he sent you is an ass, but I believe I played him, won, and he didnt leave once…


Because I know of him… and have him added on my PSN lol…

damn, we need a response from him then wtf

Played against Dhavis. After one round he realized the usual antics didn’t work and dropped.

BGs to papatoetoe[insert numbers here].

Played my Blanka as usual, then this guy picks Guile. Fair enough. 4 bars, looking like it’s gonna be a fun match. I take the first round without too much trouble, then the screen starts behaving like a animation from 1700 b.c (aka choppy as hell). All of a sudden, I can’t react to his booms. I push up to jump, but nothing happens (and i eat the boom of course). Then I die for no reason after seing 5-10 frames pr round, a few of them containing a Guile doing j.hk and flashkicks.

Even sadder… This loss ruined my perfect 1337 score :(.

4 times!!! wow thats fuckin awesome!!!

gs bro

you should listen to this man

ty veet. i have no problem losing

to all, if i get dc’d on anyone. its not intentional. sometimes i have connection problems. its is beyond my control. i have no problem losing. its happens when i am winning as well and i know its me cause i look at my modem and the internet light goes out. meh.

4 times… lol. god damn.

lol badgames to bigphil23. was in friendlies cause i’ve only been playing chun for an hour. so i searched more skill and found him. beat em twice, badly. so i left. then he said “can you do something besides throw is that y u play player match?” found it funny cause i was chun. geez guess i have to go in ranked matches again

bg’s to the dum dums that leave after stopping my win streak

doesnt anyone play to get better anymore or is it just my fellow srk ppl? -_______-

New guy

Hello. I am new to this forum, a friend of mine said to check it out for strategies against d’bags that use guile since I could never beat that for some reason (im alot better now and guile is a push over), while checking it out I found this thread and noticed that you all are having the same problems I have had in Ranked matches. My BP isnt very high and its hard to get it to go up, after about my 12th disconnect and 3d or 4th hate mail I decided “screw rank mode, player matches only for me”.

I read on here that I need to “install” SF4 to make the game load faster, I did it, but…I still have to use the CD to play the game…why? If I install the game shouldnt I not need the disk? And if I do still need the disk then whats the point of installing? Or did I do something wrong? (ive never installed a game before O_O;)

And why does everyone hate ken/ryu? I actually like them both but mainly use akuma. (some people get pissy about akuma so I switch to other characters Im good with like cammy, fei long, gen, blanka, and seth, side note: oh how I love owning people with seth even though I too think its a little cheap :smiley: ) If you dont like ken/ryu because of shoryuken spammers then just block it and then throw em when they hit the ground.

Also a question relating to lag: My connection is awesome…usually…I dont get disconnected often but a few days ago for some unknown reason my connection (even when my friends tell me im at 4 bars) randomly gets lagy, not always lagy enough to disconnect me but it will screw my combus up badly. Anyone know the cause of this or a way to fix it? I tryed reseting my modem and I am not connecting my ps3 through a router so theres no port problems (or atleast there shouldnt be)

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

PSN: GunerX
Fav chars: Cammy/Akuma
Hate chars: Gief (srsly people he has more than just 1 move, frigin spin punch spammers)

um ya, you need to have the game disc inside to prevent piracy. :nunchuck:
Its not like Hai I rented this from Gamefly, installed it, I never need the disc again lolololz $60 and Capcom.

Dannylein you fucking f*g ass dropper bitch.

First you connect and lag all to hell, throw out random ultras. You fuckin suck dude please die.

I played that *** today and he dropped on me as well… Sent him a msg and no Response.
Other droppers are:

HondaHB94 (this one might have been legitimate, as he sent me a msg saying how he thought i d/c’ed)

someone please add me for some good games…