I’m having trouble getting on youtube, is it down? I got vids to upload!!! =[
Very interesting how Ino’s thinking. I really did NOT expect Gief to be highest tier. But like you said Deezo, I think this list will change drastically when America and co start being able to play more often.
I feel as if this game has made strengths in all characters. That is to say, that most characters are going to be playable competitively or in a tournament setting. Though i still am BEFUDDLED at the fact that Gief is “S Class.”
Personally, I feel as if there are A LOT of characters in the “mid tier” range. Now that I think about it, if you were to mix in the “top/high tier’s” with the mid tiers…it pretty much makes up the entire cast.
Once again, I really do believe that most characters are gonna be played competitively.
I feel zangief is only going to be top tier until people really master there characters. Thing about zangief, he is Big risk big Reward, he has ways to get in, but they are all big risks for him. So a patient and well executionist will always out play and out footsie zangief. Ino’s thoughts on sim, they might as well be mute cause he really doesnt understand that sim is completely different. People are losing with him now cause they have not adjusted to his completely new style. You can not play sim like the traditional way like you can with every other old skool char. Right now people are still trying to perfect and develop this new style. The potential is there, we just need some players to discover it and start executing.
That player will be me!!! =P muaha and hopefuly some other amazing japan players that are practicing in the dungeon like myself…just wait =D
I’m not giving up on Claw just because some Japanese dude says too. (Yeah, I know who he is). I feel like Claw has the same tools as everyone else to be great, to say that he can only win on time outs is crazy.
dude, claw is sick as fuck. Fools dont even know. Nobody is playing him properly. I stil havent even seen people do his flip kick into ultra. Man i found that shit out day 1.
Yeah certain things about those impressions stick out to me as odd, like Chun absolutely losing to Gief. That and Gief being better than Sagat.
Currently, I am uploading videos from last night. Here’s the link to my youtube page.
You’re feelin that name huh?!!? Don’t lie!
Cole-Flip kick to ultra? Crazy. I tried doing double flip kicks yesterday, but I guess you can’t do it when the first flip kick hits twice. Never found out how to do it =/.
I think I’m just gonna come out and say it…
I do not agree with Ino’s tier list…period
Neither do I. I think im going to leave Akuma for console training, Abel is where I need to focus myself of to back up Zangief. Im going to learn FAC’s and make it second nature like my texting while driving
So basically what i can take from your translation of SFIV is " Hey america, stop jocking whatever the japanese say and play the game yourselves!!! " I LOVE IT.:lovin:
Ino’s tier list reads like something we could have come up with on day one.
Exactly, this version is a lot like ST where in the long run…you will have to beware of ALL character specialists. Look at ST right now…any average honda or blanka player will think its god damn impossible to win in that game and feel they are helpless. Then you see specialists like komodo blaanka and kumun Honda getting top 8 in evo and Beating nuki’s chun for free. Believe me, all chars are going to be a threat. Cause Sf4 allows everyone to have that chance to “escape” “reset” and “re-evaluate” the situation. Thats ex moves right? Oh shit im fuckin traped in the damn corner…invincible ex move…im out, im safe, i can reset my stratetgy and play intelligently.
I mean right now you see these japs playing ryu and they are rushing like there is no tomorrow. Thats because everyone is not used to having a way out…they are still playing by there old tendacies. Ryu is slower that shit, he HAS to rush you down. People cant see it right now, but 80% of the chars there destroy ryu for free. Its just that the vids u are watching on youtube are freakin DIAGO playing ryu…well duh ya…its the player…not the character. Ryu has low damage and his only offense is a slow ass dash and burning EX’s like he really is in 3s.
Anyway people…it is always nice to see how the top players view early character tiers. But take it with a grain of salt you know and build your own style. Every char in this game has some bs to abuse…fuk japan…we are on equal grounds everyone. New Game, been released roughly around the same time…(instead of the past like 6months before we saw final). Lets not lose to japan…lets make them look at OUR character tiers not vice versa
ps: ill see you peeps at the bowling alley next week
Your a genius among helmet wearing short bus riders!
cant wait to get some rounds with you myself. Even though i havent played you in ST yet, i have played you in 3S and lost a money match to you in VF4EVO " fuck Sarah Yo! " Im one of few cats down here still trying to improve my ST game.
That was inspirational. I completely agree though, with everything. Man I can’t wait until Evo 2009 now.
not to get off topic here but…jetay lost a money match to cole in VF4EVO??? Does that mean he throws down on some VF5 as well? Inquiring minds want to know.
You didn’t know he plays Pai in VF5? He’s not too shabby, either. Last I saw, at least.
If you are reffering to Jetay, then yes I knew that (We had that epic match when pdx was here for a tourney). If you are reffering to Jason Cole, then no I didn’t know that. Looking back my post is a bit misleading as to what I wanted to find out.
Edit cause my post is still misleading: Does Jason Cole play VF5 on the side?
Yeah they do. What time do you think you guys will be getting up? I might try to go, anyone else planning on going?
well we are meeting at noon. Depending on traffic, we’ll be up there around 3ish.
So you guys throwing down today it seems. I want to hit this up but I don’t get home until 5 or so.
Sagat should have an alternate outfit where his handwraps are dipped in glue and broken glass.