SFIII:3rd Strike, Yun Genei-Jin Tutorial v1.2(100%) By mpikkon+nFBA Replays-videos, (Incomplete)

You can download new genei-jin combos-replays on first post. Added another download link.
11 new overpowered combos including xxGJ and SJGC on Chun-Li, Elena, Makoto, Q, Necro, and Ryu + tutorial.

The Genei-Jin Tutorial will get a massive update very soon. Hopefully, it will be ready this weekend. Too much typing work.
It will include Keeper-Jin will every Set Up combo on specific chars, Keeper-Jin on a Standing character, Maeda-Jin, Kara HP Loop with Reset on a Standing character and some new juggle combos. Working on corrections, as well.

Updated JAN 20, 2013

01/20/2013– Retyped every page in the Tutorial. Lots of corrections done, more info and comments added. Added “GUIDANCE NOTES” section to help beginners navigate easier on the Tutorial sections. Added Keeper-Jin variations with different set up combos on various crouched characters. Keeper-Jin and Hook Punch-Jin on a standing character with/without Reset, Maeda-Jin, some new corner combos on Q and all new combos from April’s update are included finally. Added a Hook Punch-Jin Tutorial and optimized Keeper-Jin and Kara Palm Tutorial.

I’m on iPhone and don’t have access to your tutorials. I had a question about this ender.

I sometimes see against chun tetsuzan, koboku, zessho as an ender. Is this preferred and if so is it for damage or meter gain?

also I thought I’d share since i rarely see it is during genei jin corner juggle, against remy and Dudley: hopkick, st hp, koboku is prefered over hopkick, st mp, koboku or hopkick x2 koboku. does more damage. this is also possible vs twins but the timing is very strict and impractical.

Yes, it is preferred. Especially vs Chun-Li. It’s not difficult to land it on her. It adds more damage, it’s pretty easy to master, too. The meter gain is OK on a Full corner Genei-Jin combo. If you reset earlier so as to make the 2nd combo smaller, the Ender will add more meter. Personally, I would go for the full corner GJ combo.

The combinations {Hopkick, st HP, Koboku} and {HopKick x2, Koboku} inflict the same or almost the same high damage. Just pick whichever inputs you feel more comfortable with. Yes, they are very tricky, impractical on twins (and Oro…) even though the massive damage is impressive.

Hopkick x2 koboku obviously doesn’t work on dud, remy and twins. however after testing if you kara st. Lk palm will make it work and it’s slightly more damage than the hopkick st fierce koboku.

I’m just throwing it out there since a lot of yuns tend to just do hopkick x2 st fierce on them.

Yeap. Kara Palm with St LK is your best friend. There are GJ combos with {F+MKx2, Kara Palm(St LK)} on Dudley, Remy, twins, Ibuki and Oro in the Tutorial.
If you can master these set ups, more power to you, dude.

Do you have any set ups for landing uoh in genei Jin? only ones I know are st close fierce blocked leaves you at perfect range. And pretty sure you can also do st mk x geneijin then take step back and it’s perfect distance. I forget the latter one though.

Edit: also for daipan loop off of 123 against skinnys like stand dud and urien what is preferred, low forward into daipan loop?

St close Fierce on a crouched char and UOH works perfectly on Shotos, Chun-Li and twins.
SJGC or xxGJ(included in the tutorial) on block and a Tap B,overhead works on everyone, but the timing is tricky.
I prefer to land UOH as much unpredictable as possible. When I pressure with {St.MP,c.LK}, I try to find the correct distance and land the overhead.

You can also use the Overhead Kick(F+MK), mixed with {St MP, c.LK}. If the hopkick (F+MK) hits them, go for an UOH meaty. If the opponent risks guarding high, you land a combo from c.LK. Whiffed Overhead baits them nicely, as well. You best option is…improvise.

daipan loop? Kara HP Loop?

I would not recommend Kara HP Loop on a standing Dud and Urien. Too high health bar and thin hitboxes.

If they are crouched, its fine (their hitboxes get bigger in crouched pose).
Beginning with xxGJ,c.MP, St HP on Dud
and xxGJ, St HP, Kara HP on Urien. I think Maeda did Kara HP Loop on an Urien once. It’s on youtube I think.

Thanks for the quick replies

Updated JAN 27, 2013

**01/27/2013 **– Added Keeper-Jin on Yang and Urien. Added Hook Punch-Jin with Set Up Combo (1) on Dudley. Kara HP Loop Combos on Standing Ken from Middle Screen are updated. Some Beginner GJ combos on Ryu and Q also added. Finally, Updated the section “{St MP, c.LK} - Pressure Tactics” with some more replays-examples.


Btw, yuuki, my answers to your questions all also included in this update. Good luck, dude.

Next update will include 2 new Maeda-Jin variations with more and less Kara HP Loops, a few basic middle screen combos with Shoulder tackle(MP), Keeper-Jin with Flashy Finisher from Full screen and “St MP, c.LK” replays including parry and punish/counter options.

Updated SEP 11, 2013

09/11/2013 – Final Update. Added {c.MK->Genei-Jin, c.LK, Palm} setups on standing characters. More specifically: Necro, Akuma, Ryu, Elena, Q, Alex and Ibuki. Added {c.MK->Genei-Jin, c.LK, Palm} setups on a crouched Dudley, Remy and Urien. Lastly, added “Buffing the SJGC inputs in a low parry using method (2)” on section “Links-Set Ups Into Genei-Jin”. The project is considered officially finished and the tutorial updated to v1.7S (“S” Release).

New Topic (Final Version)