SFA3 - Honda

Sticks? We’re talking buttons here:P

Anyway, have you tried alternating with your middle and index finger on strong and fierce? Beginning with fierce, of course, so that the fifth press is the fierce. It’s much easier to press fast using two fingers. I find it less sloppy as well.


Yes, thats the exact way I’ve been tapping the buttons, jump-in FP, then SP, FP, SP, FP. It works fine for DC version but it seems the game must want the buttons pressed faster for the arcade. It prolly takes a little over a second for me to get 5 presses done.

Honestly, you just need to practice speeding up. It shouldn’t take a full second for the 5 presses. You just need to practice some more, that’s all.


Really? Well thanks for the help, my fingers are starting to cramp up. :lol:

Just random observations while playing on and off for the past few months.

Honda needs to keep the pressure on, keep moving forward towards the opponent, if they are being turtlish then go for a tick jump JP/SK/FK into throw/command throw/super throw.

After landing a few throws the opponent usually begins to panic a bit when you get too close and starts trying to poke you out of throw attempts, this allows you to start your poking game. Crouching SK, FK, RK followed with the HHS works good. Cr. SK into cross-up FK works a bit if they begin to get used to the normal pattern. Mixing up his pokes and throws at close range allows him alot of damage.

If you are using A-ism you are going for the Super Orochi Throw most of the time unless you are good at cancelling into Butt Drop Super from cr. SK on reaction. The Super Orochi throw has a small amount of grab range, but dont rely on it too much.

If you pin the opponent into the corner, then standing outside sweep range and jumping straight up with an attack can pin the opponent down pretty good.

Honda can hit with cr. SK while the opponent is in the air. I think it may be character based though.

Apart from air throw, Honda has no reactionary anti-airs. If the opponent jumps in and you are not ready, try blocking and then throwing out a cr. FK to push them back. The Butt Drop super is completely invincible as an anti-air, I’ve seen it beaten by Sakura once on the ground, but never in the air. It may be the odd angle that Honda attacks at though.

Anyone else got some tips?

is there really any use for his command grab super combo? (720+p)
because i’m not that good doing full circles…

and other thing… which is honda’s best ism?

I’d say Honda’s 720 is his main threat in A-ism, it does good damage and leaves Honda fairly close, however it’s a lvl 3 only so you would make the chance to use it count.

I think his best ism is a bit of a toss up between A and V, different ism would be used in different matchups I think.

Is x/no-ism Honda any good ? Of course no alpha counters but his ground game has to be insane with out guard meter and with big damage.

man i just cant make your record input to work maybe is the FBA version i’m using i dont know…

Yeah its an old version.

X-ism Honda is ok, basically you can just scare the crap out of people with the damage you can do.

well… anyway i was able to see the vid and it was ok. :clap:

Any thoughts on common Honda matchups? Namely Sakura and Zangief?

I play X-honda a lot(im going to stop playing him though) and its very hard to try to stop shotos from jumping in becauce the fierce chop honda has only comes out when the opponent is real close that can cause some problems.

When playing against sak or gief I always keep them at a reasonable distance from me. Its hard to torpedo since they could whiff jabs and counter hit you at almost anytime. You must control the match because if they get close to you and back in the corner, they could rip you apart. If you aren’t prepared for them splashes could own the hell out of you. Keep your charge, soon as you see gief jump I headbutt. Sometimes you will trade and sometimes you will cleanly hit him out of it. I have a real hard time against Sak. Her normals, especially her jabs give honda a hard time. Expect to not do a lot of head butting. Ive been hit out of headbutts from her crossup a lot of times. If you get knocked down then she will start pulling out the cross up mixups and if you try to hit her out of something with some of your normals expect to get counter hit since hers come out so much faster.

Keep her and gief at bay with hhs. Be carefull that you use it properly or you will get crossed up and lose some life. Jumping strong is your friend. Facing against jump happy players use this to slap them out of the air. Jumping fierce I use a lot when im at a 45 degree angle above the opponent. If I think they are going to jump and try to knock me out of the air with something. More useful when your opponent is in X-ism since they can’t air block. If they are in A or V they could chicken block it and cause you a lot of trouble when you land.

His super is good IMO. If you are facing an opponent that loves to throw stuff out super and blow through. Be carfull, you only have one meter so use it wisely!

X-honda is all about being patient. He isn’t a rush down character(well I dont think so) A lot of your damage is going to come from counter hits. Get crouch cancelling down packed. Get your opponent to fear your then start working on him. Pin him with the hss get him shook make him second guess himself. Maybe even walk up throw. Use c.short when close, its a good poke to get the counter hit too. This is all X-honda stuff btw.

Ok. I was messing around with V-Honda a bit yesterday. It was on the PS version (yeah i know)

  1. Does the Ochio x 4 custom work on the PS? I couldn’t get it to work. What’s the trick?

  2. I’m guessing the anti air custom needs the RH to hit 4 times for it to work, right?

Forward splash is good.

But what does honda really do about fireballs? Splash? Jump?

Can someone list all of V-Honda’s customs, please?

Low strong and jab headbutt.

Anti-air VC requires the standing RK to hit twice, though I guess it’s four times if you’re using VC1 (Jab+Short)…?

Random notes:
*Standing Strong is good
*Jab headbutt is good as anti-air
*A-ISM Alpha Counter sucks
*Jumping Roundhouse is good

Yeah, that’s basically all I know…I can imagine c.SP and c.FP are decent vs Sak. And headbut flies over low Tiger Shots still, I think. Jumping Roundhouse has good priority, and if it connects that’s a free cc (and possibly 50% damage if you’re in V-ISM). I don’t know how much you’d be jumping at people with Honda, but it’s worth mentioning. Also, when you jump at someone with a deep Roundhouse as they wake up, they can’t reversal; if they do an special move or super, you can block and land before it will come out. If they don’t do anything, they have to block. Also works with Shoto jump Jab, etc.

After the 360 throw, you can get a crossup body splash (if you want it). In V-ISM, IIRC you can jump, activate VC1, and do crossup splash, c.SK into FP headbutt as a confusion, but it’s not the best VC of it’s type. Main Honda VCs are:

-Repeated FP headbutt to corner, and
-anti-air standing Roundhouse, whiff Roundhouse(?) butt drop, repeated heatbuts to corner.

Anyone know if the 720+p super works vs deep crossups?