SF5 Lounge: Idom Wins. Only Poison is Woman enough for Capcom Cup

Basically there is this company in Brazil that holds the rights to manufacture Sega Hardware and they still do to this day and software.
As per free online games one that is actually incredibly huge in BR is Ragnarok online, you go to any private server of the thing and Brazilian will be the unofficial language. I used to play it as a teen and BRs was an official meme.

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Oh, you want that smoke too?

Honestly, considering the garbage the AAA devs shit out nowadays, I’d probably play some good ass Bomberman too.


I was there too, i just got lucky lol

I remember when I was too scared to post in the main sections.

Hella SF4 Vs SF3 threads back then. Most of the niggas that were pro SF4 were in red.

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I am very mediocre at bomber man.

I used to be a god at super puzzle fighter, but it has been a long time.

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I was burned for 3d vs 2d visual for SF4 poll lol.

Next was the boss for SF4 poll.

Im 2006?

Edit 2005 lol

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Lol, I made this account in august/october 08? I saw SF4 was gonna come out and was like:

Shiiiet, need to make an account now so I dodge the avalanche of shit that’s coming.

09 hits and 09ers were getting it left and right. I just kept looking at my 08 like :eyes:


My original account on here goes back to 07 or 08. Most of my posts were cringe, but I was there damnit!!


Every time I see Pert talking about not modding a certain section, this comes to mind.


Gotta keep the balance between the Realms.

GD ain’t trying to engage the SF5 subforum in Mortal Kombat.


Pertho ain’t a god here, DevilJin is.

But Akhos went all Judas on his ass and now this section is a godless wasteland.

So where do i sign up to be Paul?

I’m not a bible expert.

Was he the one that has the “badass Jesus” or the one with the ethereal “Jesus is a concept” Jesus?

Im mean the guy is already busted and that’s not how english names should be it’s obviously a trolling account.

The previous tatsurokl twitter account was even brazil and changed later along with the zeku avatar.

Man he will also now disassociate himself with Ninjaworldwarrior16 that speaķs portugese in other gàming forums which is brazilian language. He just change it london as a choice to confuse.

I mean the guy litterally chase me outside this forum. I while I don’t engage on him on other platforms and gaming sites even eventhubs. His just thw one that chase people.

It’s not me that is the problem its just him trying to silence criticism and doing damage control.

Actually there is no other account than tatsuroko that is doing most of the work for kira in the past. He can joke but it’s obviously him for the tremendous effort he gave into defending kira.

Even the tatsuroko twitter isnt something of an individual person account having a real life other than retweeting stuff and as a xkira customer service account. Its a dummy one.

But no worries. I wont post the actual facebook of kira with real name. I may have done that long ago if i wanted to.

Let it go~ Let it go~


So did anyone in here get bbtag for ps4 or nah?

Gonna lab some susanoo and yumi for a bit. Guess I’ll throw up stream if anyone is interested


Yeah Brazilian is a language isnt it


Yall talking about competing in popular games in Brazil and no mention of Top Gear on the SNES smh

Was literally as if not more popular than Super Mario Kart

Top Gear is so damn popular that Brazilian developers made a spiritual sequel to it on Horizon Chasers.
Top Gear was something else entirely.
And let’s not get started on Super Star Soccer.


at this point i am convinced

that you are x-kira