SF5 Lounge: Idom Wins. Only Poison is Woman enough for Capcom Cup

I’ll play you sometime. I haven’t played since Shang came out, but I really want to give Sindel a whirl.

I don’t know when i’ll have the time though. So damn busy these days.

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I barely played the game at all. If I wasn’t in the middle of writing, I’d be willing to get freed up by you and @PlusFrames




So what this tells me is Capcom of US literally has no power or very little.

The problem with Capcom is the absolute disconnect between Japan and America branches


That has been readily apparently for a while. If Capcom USA or Europe were running SFV. A lot the issues we have wouldn’t be issues. Capcom USA and Europe were the ones that wanted to communicate with us. Capcom Japan is the one that put the kibosh on that.


@Darc_Requiem don’t act like I’m not free in any game, regardless of how much playtime I have.

Anyone know if you can start a new account in MK11 (on the same PS4 as your premium edition account) and still get the DLC characters? Or are they only available on the account that installed/bought the premium edition?

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Is this website new (streetfighter.com)? I haven’t seen it before. It’s different from the CRI website in a few ways.

Nah that sites been up since SFV launched. It predates the CFN if my recollection is correct. I’m old after all :wink:




Wait so they ARE streaming LCQ??

Ehhh he’s kinda pulling the wool over our eyes.

Red bull had seemed to have players that would be streaming the LCQ after we found out that it wouldn’t be streamed at all.

Only for Ono to come through and be like, no worries guys, we are having red bull stream the LCQ.

Everything seems sketch truthfully…


Ah ok but redbull is gonna stream the event right?

Red bull sponsored players will be streaming it.

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If players are gonna be streaming it what’s the point of the VIP stream? I’m not complaining about being able to watch. But really wondering why this whole thing seems like its held together by paperclips and bubblegum. Waiting to fall apart at any moment lol.

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It’s just like the VHS days…


I’m gonna be out of town until the 27th basically so it won’t be soon. You have time to pucker up.

Bruh I literally uninstalled like last week lol. Would’ve been great to have that at launch smh

Wonder if Ono lost his shit behind the scenes. Also yeah, Capcom Japan is just on a different wavelenght with CapUSA. But we love that SF so everybody holding that.


Love is a strong word to use.
I think of SF more like a side hoe you fuck from time to time, for old times sake.


Nah, dudes are sprung.

How many people talked shit about SRK only to come back?


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