SF4 PC: The Custom Skin Mega-thread!

epic thread. can’t wait until the skins start blowing up.

Nope, first vids in this thread of them :tup:

Fixed! Thanks for the heads up.

I put a link to the SF4 PC Modding thread on the bottom of the main post. Lots of good info there.

Hi! can you put my Mod in the first page too ??? :slight_smile:

My **Inferis Ryu **/ Evil Ryu rsrsrsrs



thanks a lot!!!

i hope some people come up with some kick ass rose Mods, would love to see her in a corset or some kind of slutty outfit LOL!

Oh good. Add them to the OP, people might miss em on the second page. Seeing Goth Chun Li and Ninja Vega move are win!

Added them to the second post, the first one is already getting big! Everything should be up to date as of now.

Hollywood HoGief is boss.

hi! thanks to put my mod too :slight_smile:

but can you change the Hi Res image to this pic:

Explore Giuliano Almeida

Have more detail to others friends see the work :slight_smile:
thanks a lot again and excuse the english :frowning:

I could make skins if I had the patience to sit down and figure out how to extract them…

Hollywood Hogan vid :smile:


i loved the akuma and ryu skins!
Damn… this is awesome lol
I haven’t had much fun with costumes since CvsS2 on the ps2.

She was a last minute edition to the roster I think. She only has one texture(all of her body parts are on that single DDS) and there is an annoying blue channel over her legs(I to remove her panty hose and make her a little sexier) it’s always there and I gave up on her pretty early.

Here is a picture: http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w297/ryuushiro/rose2.jpg

Ahh that sucks, shes one of the best models in the game in my opinion, to bad its to much work to tweak her. Hopefully people can take some time on her and do some amazing stuff.

I like the idea what ya did with the leg in the pic!

man those duowan links aren’t working for me :frowning:

edit* I wonder how long it will take for boobie skin mods… lols

I didn’t say I couldn’t. Or wouldn’t. Just setting her aside for the time being. If someone makes the model for a super slutty Rose, I’ll be there to create the textures! lol

Is it possible to make certain parts transparent? I saw someone made Chuns dress transparent, and someone cut sakuras skirt a bit (but also looked like it took some of her hair). Is there a color that does that like a greenscreen?

Thats what i like ti hear! :rofl:

WHERE AND WHO? I’ve been trying to do this forever and a day but it doesn’t work or crashes. Please show me the link or tell me where to go.

Oh and I have one more new texture. I’m just working on the video and some screen captures. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w297/ryuushiro/Image3-7.jpg LMAO you will laugh when you see this.

Normally shaders use an alpha channel for this, do they have transparency maps along with color, specular and normal?

That’s what I’m thinking too. I’ve tried to do this but…I’m not that great with understanding channels.