Seth's Footsies

This isn’t right at all, Seth needs footsies just as much as any other character, assuming your opponent knows what’s going on.

Isnt footsies playing at mid range (maximum range of the important pokes, like for Guile in his St.Hp range or for Ryu his range), walking outside and inside your opponent poking range, baiting with fast normals like jabs and light kicks, punishing whiffed pokes with sweep or special attack, and if succeeded in netting a knockdown through sweep or special attack knockdown, go for the rushdown moment?

Too bad doing most of this is not in favor Seth due to:
1- Risk involved due to fail Health and Stun.
2- His pokes are good (St.Mk, St.Hk, Cr.Mk, Cr.Mp for counter hits, and St.Lk) but they are extremely hindered due to fail walk speed.

If it was another character with some Health to boost, I am all for it to play Footsies even against Ryu and Guile. But with Seth weak health, it is not worth it when you have Stretchy jumping arms, which is going to be patched out.

Give me faster walk speed and I’ll call it even.

allright no stretchy arms but…the teleport is almost a get punished thing after into legs…teleport is really weak in super
and divekick shud be fast really…so no jump hp=less recovery on teleport+faster divekick…there u go…

i’ve played a bunch of characters in my life of sf4 since AE came out i’ve tried a couple of characters i use viper as my main & i want to alt seth he’s really good in my book dispite the uphill battle for him in certain match up’s i was wondering if anybody could show me a couple of things to do with seth or just add sum seth players to my list i play on xbl NGB 2 Sliick

Seth has footsies? I can only think of NYAHAHAH NYAHAHAHA (Teleport) and he’s not even using his feet…

I guess everyone else kinda touched on it, his normals aren’t really all that great

They weren’t in Super, they are in AE. is very very good, it can compete with shoto normals and beat Gief’s normals. The one extra active frame for made a big difference. s.hp will obviously whiff punish any poke if timed correctly. has better damage and slightly more reach than but can be jumped over for a combo or focus crumpled if predicted. Focus is a great poke too. Far will beat some lows and is basically impossible for the opponent to whiff punish. It’s similar to Sagat’s.

I’d say he’s always had pretty decent normals, it’s just his walk speed …really makes them not worth using unless you’re forced to, which is pretty often in AE…

fst.MK buff is pretty amazing though.

Yeah I usually call Seth’s pokes defensive pokes because they’re to stop the opponent from bulldogging you.

to this day, I still wish was standard and far.HP was a command normal… or at least make not have to be so close. It’s such a sick anti-air.

Also, vs Gief, is everyone using st.far.MP? That shit is great against him. st.Jab (option select light.hyakuretsu) too.