Sega Saturn USB controller knockoffs? Any good?

[]Rubber melts at over 98C.
]PCBs don’t get electrocuted. You MIGHT cause a short but that’s it.
[*]Why does cleaning the pads help?
You’ll have to forgive me, but your tip doesn’t seem to contain much substance.
But then, I am very cynical.

Thank you for correcting me about that.
Not melt, but crumble: the small pieces of rubber are falling off - one by another.
There are some bad sorts of rubber could be found inside toys:
when exposed to a hot water (50-60C), the rubber crumbles.

English is my second language. Sometimes I just type the wrong words.

Because it removes the thin layer of dirt from contacts.
After I have got three Sega USB controllers, I have tested two of them.
Before the cleaning, buttons were not working properly, and I had to press them hard.
After the cleaning, they are working perfectly!
I was so excited that I didn’t even tested the third controller - cleaned it instantly after unboxing!