Season 1&2 ST rankings

How did I do?

Who the fuck neg rep’d me here?

Here’s the new rankings of the top 25 players post tournament. By the way, I recalculated the earlier rankings to evaluate in correct order (should process all winners bracket, then losers, then grand finals) – this caused minor fluctuations in the rankings. So your starting point is a bit different from my first post above.

I’m also adding the mu and sigma values for the data oriented among you. Mu is what the system thinks your average ranking is, sigma is the uncertainty. Your sigma goes down with consistent performance, and up with inconsistent performance (if you beat top players all day but also lose to lower ranked players, the system is less sure of where to place you). The system thinks that you are probably within four times the sigma of your mu on each end. So if you have a mu of 30 and a sigma of 2, the system thinks you are between 38 and 22.

If you don’t care about any of that, just look at level :slight_smile:

level	mu	sigma	handle
35.5	40.65	1.72	zass
28.0	31.86	1.28	DoughBoy
27.7	34.49	2.26	RayBladeX
26.8	34.69	2.62	#1GeeseMaster
26.7	30.45	1.25	XTG
25.7	35.33	3.20	Itazan
25.0	28.94	1.31	umbrellastyle
24.5	28.49	1.32	Deezo
23.6	30.58	2.33	Otome=/=Yosuke
23.4	34.32	3.65	JetPhi
21.8	28.08	2.10	jTm
21.5	27.95	2.14	Fatbear
21.2	25.47	1.41	Airthrow
20.4	27.65	2.43	ShinShengLong
19.6	28.86	3.08	Peachy
19.2	23.81	1.54	Pablo_the_Mex
19.0	29.61	3.55	BBH
18.0	28.30	3.43	Veteru
16.3	25.91	3.19	Fusulu
15.0	22.87	2.63	Mechanica
14.3	21.84	2.51	Tempest253
14.0	27.39	4.46	RKelly
14.0	21.61	2.55	Raishinken
13.2	24.65	3.82	MKMaster503

Hey Zass can you send me the full list?

*fixed your neg rep, 'Lee

I did so fucking bad in ST. :shake: Then again, I got put up against Geesemaster and then Keith. WTF was that shit? :lol: I don’t even know if I can rep Dhalsim anymore after beatings like that.

It does suck to face a good player in the very first round, get sent to the losers, and then face someone you know. Ay, mang, you were lucky that I was your first match after Geesemaster sent you to loser’s. Because Geesemaster took me out in the very next game, due to awkward bracketing. If anything, I saved you from immediately having to be crushed again by him again. Always look on the bright side of your life.

Oh, and Paul Lee’s av is badass.

Geesemaster eliminated me too. It sucked there were minimum 2 boxers better than mine in the tourney. Uhhh, every single one I saw that wasn’t mine…

Nah dude, I played boxer in a few casuals. You have nothing to fear.

Really though, I had a better chance (as well as did do better) against geesemaster than you. At least he doesn’t know my playstyle or anything. Plus Claw rapes me for free. Boxer is tough but I play him so I know what to look for/what to counter. Claw is just GG NO RE. :wasted:

Think I’ma start reppin’ more Fei Long though. I’m grossed out by my Dhalsim play. It’s less embarassing to lose as Fei, which is a random bonus.

Elias, I think you should pick up Deejay honestly. Or just work on locking people down better with limbs.

I saw your match against Geesemaster where you picked boxer after losing the first time. I didn’t do much better in my boxer mirror match… He is pretty good. He’s my new Fatbear (aka, guy who beat me in a tourney that I think I can beat with a little bit more practice…)

man, that really isn’t the huge dramatic increase in rank I was hoping for :rofl:

I really like these ranks though, they are very motivating! haha

You know, I was just watching a match with Deej in it and I was thinking about trying him out… Alex almost inspired me to play Guile at random but I don’t wanna be a copycat duplicate and Deej has more fun options anyway (slide is way cooler than Knee Bazooka, even if he doesn’t have guile’s I really love Fei but I can’t get down how slow you have to do that hcf, u/f motion while not jumping from the u/f! :looney:

I should start entering ST more. I know I can destroy many players in that list, not to say that they are bad. I beat Itazan’s claw with my cammy 90% of the night when he came, so I’m still surprised at his rank.

Dude you can play Guile if you want, for he is a hardbody American hero that everyone can enjoy

Really? Like who? You want to money match then? :angel:

oh Julius, you and your money matches

I’ll MM you! hell, I’ll MM JFry over here too! bring em on

I’ll money match you for two bucks, Axel. First to ten?

Off subject but I think it’s lame how you guys rode Fatbear’s jock so hard earlier and then I beat him at Random select and I miiiiight’ve gotten at most “nice match” from a Seattle person. Whereas if I am not playing a match I am being supportive. You Seattle guys are top tier in ST as well as hate.

I know, if I feel truly compelled to dish out some somersault justice - I will.

I wasn’t yelling it as loud as I could have, but I was yelling NICE THROW and shit when I was watching you play! :tup: I was even getting goofy looks from the people sitting next to me.

You’re hecka tite Elias, anyone in the “nice throw” coalition is automatically hardbody.

Who rode Fatbear’s jock? I said I would give Fatbear a run for his money if not a sweep with my Chun.

-On the ST note, I’ve been picking up Dhalsim lately, and I’m considering picking up O. Sagat seriously. Since we lack those two god-tier characters in Seattle ST, does anyone object?