Sauga May 07 Thread

Alrite, Part 2:

Once the older players retired, there were a whole bunch of new faces on the MvC2 machine. Nobody was really “dominant”, so a whole bunch of new people started playing without fear of getting horribly raped. By now everyone had a general idea of tiers. When people were playing seriously, there were no more wolverines and the usual garbage, although Guile and Charlie still weren’t rare. Shan was pretty much top of the heap at this point. Nobody could figure out how to get past Cable/Ken. But he only played during lunch, and occasionally after school.

Then one day, we walked in, and saw a brand new fighting game: “Capcom Vs. Snk”! The first question obviously was, “What the fuck is SNK?”. People really REALLY liked this game when it first came out. It was a throw back to the old school, for people who didn’t like MvC2’s insanity. Plus, you could charge your super!! CHARGE YOUR SUPER!!

Everyone started playing the game. For some reason, I was already good at the game, and I could pull out a couple of wins… I got cocky, until this short Asian guy with glasses showed up one day, with his very very big Asian friend, and they basically made a fool out of everyone. Yes, Calvin, Ken’s, and Alex’s time had come. They would split games, and nobody would be able to get them off the machine except when people would get lucky Ryu or Blanka. (Shin Shoryuken/Level 3 Ball = 3/4ths life gone, gg). Mind you, it didn’t really matter, as everyone just wanted to play. There were loooong lines of quarters on each machine, even MvC1.

Soon, there were regular players, faces you could recognize everytime you went (outside of the regular crew we know now). You could always count on this tall guy with a baseball hat and big headphones standing and watching, but NEVER playing. This guy continued the tradition until Skybox closed, though later on you would occasionally see him play (rare valuable sighting). Then this guy with longish hair and a bandanna would show up with his fat friend… and they actually gave Calvin a challenge. This was Pre-Afro Rich and Rade. They had the mechanics of the game down pretty well… Rade was pretty bad, but Rich had a solid game. Both of them never went near MvC2 though. There was also this random brown girl who would play CvS1. Eventually she disappeared, but was spotted as the announcer for that Indy game in Playdium.

Calvin would occasionally play MvC2… he’d do these godly combos with his execution, then lose to the scrubbiest tactics because he had no idea how to play. Eventually, he just gave up. Ken and Alex did play though, and could win occasionally.

Eventually, the person I’d end up playing the most often was Tylor. We’d go even most of the time, with me slightly ahead… until he discovered Blanka. Even back then, it was pretty much gg. He even managed to piss of Calvin a few times.

Big news one day; People from Toronto were coming down for a Sauga tournament!! This was the first “big” Sauga/Toronto tournament. There really was no real rivalry as yet… right now (and for most of the time in between), it seems Toronto and Sauga really really hated each other.

I can only remember off the top of my head, the people who came were: Flightwing, Ron(DeadlyRaveNeo/Sheng-Long), Shadow_fighta, Barry… and I can’t remember anyone else. Actually, i’m not even sure if Barry showed up. But I know there were a couple more Toronto guys .

Basically, Sauga got dominated in CvS1. Wing scammed the brackets and sent himself to losers early, then just ripped through it to the end. Nobody could believe that kid who HAD to be around 12 years old just won the tournament. This was also the beginning of the long standing tradition where I beat shadow fighta in every single tournament we entered. Fuckin scrub.

The tournament was a real eye opener though. I honestly think that tourney was the turning point for Sauga. Nobody had any idea what solid play was, until we saw those guys. Bread and butter combos, zoning, baiting, spacing, punishing, we never really knew what the hell we were doing until now. We didn’t stop being scrubs, but we certainly moved past the “beyond terrible” level.

I think by now, Teddy had started showing up at the arcade. He was this quiet kid who never said a word, but would just stand by the jitz table watching MvC2. Also, everyone in Sauga was pretty friendly too. Yeah… Sauga without drama… fuckin ridiculous.

Wow, this is taking way longer than I thought it would…Part 3 to follow, and possibly a 4 and 5. Next installment: CvS2 is introduced… Azn Rich’s big console tourney, possibly the best Sauga has ever had, the start of the DRAMA!!

Before I read that monster of a post, I’d like to add that Anant left out Doggy and Me from the OG crew :stuck_out_tongue:

Me and Kevin used to train for about 3-5 hours EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY, back when my dad would just give me a pile of quarters and tell me to have fun. I remember when MvC2 first came in to the theatre, it was a shock to me. Stupid amingo’s kept beating me, but then I learned the cheapness and started beating the likes of Dave (what a scrub) and clayton (cheap!), who were otherwise unbeatable before I stole some of their tactics with psylocke.

Anyways, the saturday/sunday crew mainly consisted of me and kevin… but sometimes Matt or Chris Liu or Shan would show up. When we first posted on SRK the meeting was funny, cause we were amazed that we had all played eachother before. . . for some reason.

Edit - I remember knocking calvin and company off the machine when I learned that honda is cheap and that blanka can do throw into super :stuck_out_tongue: After I showed Alex that he kinda got cheap though :frowning:

When tylor first started playing CvS1 I decided I would never play the game when he was on the machine. His stupid Yama or Vega tactics were just unfair.

And the TO crew came down earlier for fun that didn’t involve a tournament, but like… they were a good 3 hours late, meaning I had to go home. At least I got to see a few games of cammy doing combos I didn’t think were possible.

Great read Anant. I always like reading about history of the scene. I hope you keep them up.

Nobody remembers how I used to dominate EMTC.

I was that good.

And Playdium.

Yea I came when Marvel was still at the very back, I remember Hayvren or Cito telling me at school to play one day and I just watched and got hooked when some smelly brown guy was pulling off crazy combos :frowning:

I actually mentioned both of those in my first post…reading scrub.

You said it was a tournament. . . it was a gathering :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, keep 'em up, its good to hear it from the point of view of the lunchtime people who actually got to play every day. Unlike me, who had to trek to EMTC from a random bus stop just to make it as the crowd was leaving and end some winning streaks.

Super Edit - You know how I’m always hating on wheel of fortune? Well I just found a reason to hate on Jeopardy. College jeopardy, one guy at nothing, one girl at like 600 and another in the negative. Well, the girl in the negative gets a question right bringing her to 0, and then chooses the daily double. So, she’s like “I’ve been waiting a long time to say this Alec, lets make it a TRUE DAILY DOUBLE!”. Alex responds, “You can’t make a true daily double when you have no money to bet. . .”. “Well then. . . Gimme as MUCH AS I CAN GET!”. She proceeds to get it wrong, plunging her back into the negative.

This is why these shows make me sad :frowning:

Extra Edit - WOW, stupid guy on jeopardy has this news broadcasting look/voice, and everything he says sounds like it should be right. He’s at -ve 600. Everything he says is so confident and its just wrong. You people should watch these shows :stuck_out_tongue:

Never mind, he got a question right. “What is Jelly?!” I should be taping this.

Yeah, Jeopardy is hilarious when there’s dumb people on… it’s also really funny when the dumb people win. Like this lady had around $200, while the other two had around $4000… they both bet hella high on Final Jeopardy… like one of them bet $3999 or something… WHO DOES THAT!!! And the dumb lady won…

Well, the dumb lady I was talking about just happened to pull through and answer what seemed like every question after the fact. . . I don’t get it.

Jeopardy = rigged. Also this guy on American Idol is such a horrible horrible singer.

Shut up and don’t insult blake. He was great last week. . . He’ll probably save himself in the second song.

You have to bet it all in case the other bets it all, standard game theory :arazz:

If you both get it right, the person who bets the most wins. Why play for scrubby 2nd place prizes.

LoL at True Daily Double.

Nope, he’s gone, I now retract my previous statement. :frowning:

But the person who bets smart (aka not $3999) usually wins… I doubt Jennings ever shoved when he was the big stack.

Jason and Teddy, come play 3S if Justin’s isn’t happening.m Call house if you can, gonna play DOTA.

Jennings usually had like 18k to a persons 3k, and then he would bet like $2k just to get even cuz he’s a bitch like that.

Standard Jeopardy betting strat when you’re winning is to bet just enough to win even if 2nd place bets it all. If they’re tied at 4k they gotta bet it all. You’d look kinda stupid if you were tied at 4k, and u both get it right but u get 2nd cuz u only bet 1k.

Be ready by 9:30 noob.

sauga finally seeing the light

how am i not mention for cvs1? =(

They forgot about you.

Honestly the Best sauga Console tourney was at DJ’s house, not Azn Rich’s house. That was the official GFU Tourney.