Sauga May 07 Thread

OMFG so sleepy at work guy!!!

Im gonna go to sleep in my comfy comfy bed.

faaaaarming faaaarming do do do do do FARM

wat do they play at rama? i havnt gone there yet. i only have like 300 bankroll on me.

Gota stay up and make the 120 guy!!


I’m not fucking kidding… I NEED your resume as soon as you wake up. Do whatever you need to do to revise it but the one person that was hired to start today didn’t work out. So we’re in pretty big need for a new person to take over my old job. Its so easy man you gotta get me that resume ASAP. You’re guaranteed and interview. I’ll call you at 10:45 on my break.


PS: Ya thats definitely not me on that magnus account :S. You guys should know I don’t post or read anything on here unless I’m at work.


Women own men…

I just called this woman about a huge outstanding balance. Shes all “sweetie” this and “hun” that and she sounded crazy sexy. How do you call people like that and say RAWR you owe money pay now kthx…

Oh and I got weed btw if u guys need/want some =). $90 HQ!.. GUY! Magnus you make me lawl.

k resume is sent. iunno if its good though. i found my old one and sorta revised it.

should be good enough to get yourself a phone interview. Just answer your phone


lmao… “making friends would be a bonus”…? Who puts that on a resume? You douche =P

So ya your resume is pretty crap and the girl I sent it to (Paulette) laughed… so we changed a few little words around and its a little better now. Good enough for a phone interview. BE READY!

lol wow my boss comes to talk to me the random time I actually call you from my work phone.


Making friends would be a bonus :lol:

rofflemow at james :lol:

James about the YMCA… Paulette is gonna try hard to talk to my boss about forgetting about the resume. He just kinda needs the assurance I guess. I’m sure it won’t be an issue. You might still have to get it tomorrow but expect a phone interview at some point today. If I hear anything different I’ll let you know.

BTW if you don’t fuck this up and the fact that you’re being backed by the Y… you got this job on lock.

GL =)

Good luck James… I guess…

And CQ, doesn’t farming suck? At least you’re passing the time the same way I did :stuck_out_tongue: Good times.

Ninja Edit - I forget what I had to say.

Ninja Edit 2 - I remember now, Justin, I’m not gonna make it to Rama, my ‘bankroll’ has now gone into savings as will most of my money for the next while. Summer courses are MUCH more expensive than I thought.

LOL! You’re fuckin crazy =P

lol @ making friends owuld be a bonus.

Chris I found that spoiler site and spoilered myself.

hotness… gotta love spoilers. Tonight should be a good episode.

…go banana!

EDIT: WTF! You just called me Chris… O_O

sometimes u gotta spoil yourself. . .spoil yourself . . . spoil yourself. . . spoil yourself. . . .spoil yourself . . . [/ned flanders]

…feels like I’m wearing nothing at all…

Stupid Sexy Flanders!

lol i cant remember but i think i got that line from lessard. i remember i used his resume as my first template, although knowing me i probably threw that in thinking it made me look good. lol :rofl:


making friends ftw