I’m tempted to get my mcdonalds job back just to jack a case or three of MAC SAUCE.
it’s too bad JS doesn’t work at Mcd’s anymore.
I remember I quitting my job in an asshole way. It was really busy and instead of going on break, I told them I quit forever, threw my hat and shirt on the floor and walked out.
beast way of quitting.
i’m surprised there wasn’t some form of Sauga Backpedal when you quit.
all this talk of McD’s is making me hungry.
My boy quit the exact same way. He just took his uniform off, told them “i fucking hate this place and I’m never coming back.” Must have some thing to do with being the worst job in the world (even though i hear if you get on a chill night shift you can hotbox the meat freezer).
We used to smoke joints on the roof top when we had to change the vents, I never got to hot box the freezer though cause there were no night shifts @ my store.
The job was/is one of the worst, but I had so much seniority and 0 responsibility, so I just chilled most of the time. Wasn’t too bad when I could tell people what to do and eat food in front of the managers who were there less time than I was.
Does SRK always wish you happy birthday one day ahead? It’s on the 14th not the 13th god damnit.
Excuse me thats the alcohol speaking.
almost got dat ship
not spam
[X] Spam imo
[x] mbn imo
[ ] Knows what he gets for 5k posts.
An orange shield.
Why don’t you? This isn’t even your regional thread. Shouldn’t you be raiding or something anyway?
oh shit, anant got dat ship!
LMAO at the tagged picture hack. Wow, that is some stalker shit haha.
[ ] enjoys work.