Sauga February Thread 2008

Curts right, i saw it awhile ago on filecabi, i wonder what its doing back at the top.



Teddy had a nugget sandwich with a full package of mac sauce in between the tender nugget buns… so godly

So my drive way got blocked by the snow plow. I almost had a heart attack clearing it cause of the MAC SAUCE.

dude my heart is fucking burning this is not good. sgovelling on mac sauce = BAD news imo

[ ] Global warming exists
[X] Can’t handle it.

You’ll make baby Al Gore cry.

[ ] has seen manbearpig
[X] froze my ass off outside

I have the time off work to hit Final Round XI. Is anyone interested in flying down?

Fuck, I have to walk to uni in this shit. I am gussing I’m just gonna take the subway back to union when my class ends.

Please check this post

If your name is NOT on that list and you plan to attend NLDIV please leave a post. If you see your name on the list and you know you can’t make it, please leave a post so I can take you off the list. I have to cap the number at 50 people.

For once in your life, vote Johnson.

Alright since I got conned into driving I think I’m taking Anant and Matt which leaves 2 spots. I’ll either take gas mobney or alcohol for compensation, though it shouldn’t be much.

[ ] Crackas allowed
[ ] Black people allowed.
[X] imo

James; where;s that nugget sandwich pic?!

I can’t believe it worked. [X] is so powerful.

I’ll take a 24 and split it with ya or something.

I have an Online midterm at 2 so we wouldnt be able to leave till 5 or so.

No I will not take the test at the lockdown, (unless someone majored in finance and wants to take it for me :D)

I heard Lockdown is the best place to take online tests. While drinking.

while drinking his dad’s stuff and smoking up no less.

Jumping up and down on the furiniture in between questions, or to celebrate any victory.

teddy drive me plz. i give u gas money and booze. and also paid u back.

Ok one more spot.

Hayvren I got you if you want a ride.

fuck, missed it by one post. If any one can hook up a ride let me know. I’ll pitch booze/gas/weed. Whatever you prefer.